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The Legislative Session Isn’t Over Yet.

Although the formal period of the legislative session ended on July 31, the MA Legislature is still in session for 3.5 months. And their work isn’t done.

Let’s make sure that the Legislature and Governor Healey hear that.

Call Your State Representative about Raise the Age

In July, the Senate voted, as part of their economic development bill, to increase the age of juvenile jurisdiction to include 18-year-olds—keeping high school seniors out of the adult prison system.

The House did not include this important language, and a Conference Committee of three state senators and three state representatives have been negotiating the differences between the two bills.

Let’s keep up the drumbeat for critical juvenile justice reforms.

Tell your Representative that: (1) Raise the Age is an economic development policy and (2) urge the Economic Development Bill conferees to include Raise the Age in the final bill:

Step 1: Find your State Representative

Step 2: Call your legislator with this sample script:

Subjecting 18-year-olds to adult prosecution, CORI records and adult incarceration causes significant harm not only to the teens themselves but to our economy which is desperate for more – not less – young people to engage in our economy.

My name is _, and I am a constituent of Representative _. I ask that the Representative reach out to the Economic Development bill conferees, Chair Parisella, Chair Michlewitz, and Rep. Muradian expressing the Representative’s support for including Raise the Age as passed in S.2869 in the final Economic Development bill.

Follow up with an email: Use the email tool at

Join Mass Power Forward to Tell Gov. Healey Not to Kick the Climate Can Down the Road!

Join Mass Power Forward at the State House to call on Governor Healey to not kick the climate can down the road. We must stop expanding the for-profit gas utility system, and right now Governor Healey is proposing a flimsy climate bill with no plan for ending the expansion.

WHAT: Press Conference and Action
WHERE: Meet at Nurse’s Hall, 2nd Floor of the Boston Statehouse
WHO: You and your friends
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 12pm

