Four Weeks Until Election Day

Election Day is just four weeks away. That’s right: 28 days.

Ballot Question Endorsements: YES-YES-YES

Massachusetts voters will see three questions on the ballot when they go to vote in four weeks. Progressive Massachusetts is recommending that you vote YES-YES-YES.

Progressive Massachusetts has been a part of the Freedom for All Massachusetts coalition since the legislative push the session before last, but before taking a position on Questions 1 and 2, we polled our members–the ultimate decision-makers in our organization. Our members overwhelmingly voted to say Yes  on 1 and Yes on 2 as well.

Here’s why:

Why Yes on 1: In Massachusetts, there is no law and no limit governing the number of patients that can be assigned to a nurse at one time (aside from the Intensive Care Unit). Overworked nurses and understaffed hospitals lead to more complications, readmissions, and errors. Nurses aren’t able to thrive at their work, and patients aren’t able to get the care they deserve. Everyone deserves high-quality working conditions, and everyone deserves the best health care our state can offer.

Why Yes on 2: On the local, state, and federal level, we see time and time again how the outsize role of money in politics distorts democracy. A Yes on Question 2 would send a powerful statement to elected officials and to other states that Massachusetts voters want to see real action on campaign finance reform.

Why Yes on 3: Because everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Because every young person deserves a chance to succeed in school and prepare for their future — including young people who are transgender. Because we are better than fear, bigotry, and transphobia. To name a few.

Some More Endorsements: Senator Elizabeth Warren & AG Maura Healey

Our members overwhelmingly voted to endorse Elizabeth Warren and Maura Healey for re-election.

Why Elizabeth Warren? Let’s turn it over to our members?

“Elizabeth Warren has been a champion in Washington for all in a very dark and scary time in U.S politics. Her voice, her actions and her persistence are needed now more than ever.”

“MA voters should know that Senator Warren has our back.”

“Senator Warren is a leader for government of the people, by the people and for the people. She stands up to wealthy corporations (who are not people) and the oligarchs who are continuing to strangle democracy in the United States.”

And why Maura Healey?

“Absolutely the people’s attorney… She is a great watchdog for the people and a great bull dog against President Trump and his policies.”

“Maura Healey has been in the forefront of the resistance to the Trump administrating since the first day.”

“Among the leaders in holding pharmaceutical manufacturers accountable for the opioid crisis.”

We agree!

One more DA Endorsement: John Bradley, Plymouth County

As countless stories from right here in Massachusetts and around the country have shown, a District Attorney has a lot of power. Too often, DAs have used that power in favor of mass incarceration and the attendant racial and economic disparities. From overcharging to lobbying against criminal justice reform, DAs have proven themselves to be an obstacle.

We’ve been working with the Justice for Massachusetts coalition to elect progressive DAs–and then hold them accountable. JFM endorsed John Bradley for Plymouth County DA, and our members voted to do so as well.

John is committed to:

  • Abolishing cash bail
  • Taking illegally possessed firearms off the streets
  • Shifting strategy for dealing with drug addiction to medical-based solutions rather than criminalization
  • Meeting regularly with community leaders and instituting accountability checks
  • Increasing data transparency from the DA’s office to the community

John’s experience as a career prosecutor for over 30 years in Plymouth and Worcester Counties, as well as in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, equips him to implement progressive change to restore ethics, compassion, and common sense to the important public safety work of the DA’s Office.