SHNS and MassLive Report on the Revenue Debate

Revenue a hot topic; not in spending debate” — Chris Lisinski and Michael Norton, State House News Service (4/23/2019)

“The House has once again failed to enact policies that the overwhelming majority of Massachusetts voters support,” Jonathan Cohn, Progressive Massachusetts’s issue committee chair, said in a press release. “When you’re stuck on a disabled train tomorrow or your child’s school announces that it is cutting its art and music programs at the end of this year, the blame for that rests solely with our state legislature.” 


Massachusetts House to talk about raising revenue, but not as part of budget debate” — Shira Schoenberg, MassLive (4/22/2019)

Jonathan Cohn, of Progressive Massachusetts, said in a statement, “When you’re stuck on a disabled train tomorrow or your child’s school announces that it is cutting its art and music programs at the end of this year, the blame for that rests solely with our state legislature.”