Strengthening Democracy at Home

Each day, we seem to be hearing about new brazen efforts from reactionary state governments across the US to restrict the right to vote.

Strengthening our democracy requires federal action to protect voting rights, but it also requires action here at home. Indeed, while Massachusetts often leads other states across policy areas, we’ve been a laggard on voting rights.

The VOTES Act would change that The bill would make the reforms that worked for voters last fall permanent, like mail-in voting and expanded early voting. And it will do more to ensure administrative barriers to not bar Bay Staters from making their voice heard, with Same Day Registration, reforms to help eligible incarcerated people vote, and more.

The Election Modernization Coalition will be hosting a virtual lobby lunch on the VOTES Act tomorrow — Tuesday, May 11, from noon to 1:30 pm.

You can RSVP for tomorrow’s VOTES Act lobby lunch here.

Also Wanted: Democracy in the MA State House

Back in February, the MA House and MA Senate both passed sets of Joint Rules to govern how the Legislature operates.

But due to opposition to basic transparency measures from the MA House, the Conference Committee negotiating a final set of rules (behind closed doors) has yet to come to an agreement.

The transparency measures passed by the Senate are both essential and non-controversial:

  • Publishing full committee roll call votes online
  • Making testimony accessible to the public with appropriate redactions (as with any other public record)
  • Extending the notice period for hearings to one week

All of these steps will help legislators do their own jobs better and strengthen the participatory nature of our democracy.

There’s so much work to do this session, and the House needs to stop delaying the passage of Joint Rules.

Can you email your state legislators in support of transparency in the Joint Rules?

Sunlight on Beacon Hill

Representation Matters! Redistricting Training for Trainers

Training Dates: Thursday, May 13, 1 pm to 3 pm & Wednesday, May 19, 6 pm to 8 pm

Join the Drawing Democracy Coalition to learn about the impact of redistricting on your community and how you can help ensure that your community has the power to elect representatives of choice for the next decade.

These workshops will prepare community groups and leaders to engage their members in the redistricting process. Topics covered will include:

  • How to communicate the importance and process of redrawing district lines with your community
  • Defining and mapping your community of interest
  • How to support the Drawing Democracy Coalition’s goal to create a state-wide unity map that empowers immigrants, people of color, and low-income voters.