Call Them Maybe?

Passing a progressive agenda requires engaging people across the Commonwealth to reach out to their legislators. 

So call them maybe? 

Safe Communities Act Phone Banks

The Safe Communities Act achieved major progress last year. Building on that momentum, we’re ready to fight for a victory this session.

But we need a supermajority of House and Senate votes to overcome an expected Governor’s veto. That’s two-thirds of each chamber: 107 House votes and 27 Senate votes.

Help us engage constituents in purple districts, so that swing legislators can be confident they have public support when they take that vote.

Join us for a Zoom Phone Bank tomorrow at 6 pm — or Wednesday, June 23rd — to call voters in swing districts to generate calls to their legislators! Register here—and don’t forget to invite your friends!

There will be a short training at the beginning, log-in information, and lists for phone banking. You’ll need a computer and phone to participate, and you’ll get Zoom information on how to join when you RSVP.

Democracy Behind Bars Phone Banks

The Democracy Behind Bars Coalition is a coalition of advocacy and community organizations, direct service and religious groups, and individuals committed to ensuring that democracy does not stop at prisons and jails in Massachusetts. Specifically, the coalition is working to ensure incarcerated people who have the right to vote have access to the ballot; to ensure that over-policed communities are not stripped of political power through prison gerrymandering; and to restore the right to vote to all incarcerated Bay Staters.

The Coalition will be calling constituents of constituents of key legislators to ask them to ensure that the Jail-Based Voting Bill has an early hearing and is sent to a vote. We need your help!

You’ll get training on how to use ThruTalk, key talking points, and help throughout if you have any questions.

Sign up to Phone Bank:

  • Thursday June 10th 5pm-7:30 pm
  • Thursday June 17th 5pm-7:30pm
  • Thursday June 24th 5pm-7:30pm

Hope to see you on the phones!