The Legislature Just Voted 159 to 41 to Advance the Fair Share Amendment. Here’s What’s Next.

Earlier today, the MA Legislature voted 159 to 41 to advance the Fair Share Amendment to the November 2022 ballot. 

The vote was 121 to 39 in the House and 38 to 2 in the Senate (the 2: Ryan Fattman and Bruce Tarr). 

2021 FSA Vote House

The Fair Share Amendment would amend the Massachusetts Constitution, creating an additional tax of 4 percentage points on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million. This new revenue would be invested into funding our public schools and colleges as well as the repair and maintenance of our roads, bridges, and public transportation infrastructure.

Although today’s vote was exciting, the work isn’t over yet. It’s just beginning. 

In the coming months, we’ll keep you posted about ways to help ensure a victory for Fair Share in November of 2022. But here’s what you do now. 

(1) Make a pledge to vote for Fair Share next year! 

Do you support the Fair Share Amendment? Do you plan to vote YES in favor of passing it on the ballot in 2022? Then become an official “Fair Share Amendment Voter” by filling out the pledge at

And then after you sign, share it with five friends!

(2) Sign up for a Fair Share event! 

You can find launch events around the state here.