THIS WEEK: Safe Communities Act Town Hall + Common Start Rallies

Although the MA Legislature will soon go on recess for the end-of-year holiday season, this time of year is critical for building momentum for key legislative priorities.

Mark your calendar with some great opportunities to deepen your knowledge about and show support for the Safe Communities Act and the Common Start bill.

THURSDAY: Safe Communities Act Town Hall

SCA Town Hall

We’re 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and 9 months into a new federal administration and the passage of the Massachusetts Safe Communities Act ( S.1579 and H.2418) is more important than ever. Ending police and court involvement in deportations remains an urgent public health and public safety priority in Massachusetts. Join allies in the Safe Communities Act Coalition for a virtual town hall this Thursday, November 18th to hear from immigrant workers, immigrant survivors of domestic violence, and advocates about why the passage of the Safe Communities Act is essential and what you can do to take action.

Interpretation will be available.

Zoom link available upon RSVP.

Common Start Coalition Weekend of Action

In advance of the hearing next week on the Common Start bill, there will be rallies across the state.

The Common Start bill would establish a system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts families.

Southeast MA: Saturday at noon, Buttonwood Park, New Bedford


New Bedford Common Start Rally

Greater Boston: Saturday at 10:30 AM, Tadpole Playground, Boston Common


Greater Boston Common Start Rally

Central Mass: Saturday at 10:30 am, Elm Park, Worcester


COVID Housing Equity Bill Digital Day of Action

Today is the Digital Day of Action for the COVID-19 Housing Equity Bill.

There have been over 25,000 evictions filed in MA during the pandemic. Our communities are bracing for even more evictions and an onslaught of foreclosures. The COVID-19 Housing Equity bill would stop this needless displacement, but the Housing Committee has failed to move it forward. The State Legislature is about to close “formal session” until new year without protecting tenants and homeowners.

Join by calling and emailing the co-chairs of the Housing Committee and posting on twitter as part of the tweetstorm.

Digital Day of Action: COVID Housing Equity Bill

Thursday Evening: Mass Alliance Celebration of Progressive Champions

Join allies from Mass Alliance on Thursday to bring our progressive community together to celebrate our municipal victories of the 2021 election, honor our progressive champions, build community together, and plan and strategize for the future of our movement after the election.


Thinking Ahead….Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power: 12/4 & 12/5

Join us and allies for Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power, on Dec 4-5, a virtual conference where we will explore how we can move our programs forward with maximum impact, strategizing how to engage, unite, and build the power needed to reverse the destructive policies of our current governmental structures.

Coming Together Conference: 12/4 & 12/5


Sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action, Our Revolution Massachusetts, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Massachusetts, North American Indian Center of Boston, Incorruptible Mass, Boston Democratic Socialists of America, Massachusetts Call 2 Action.