THIS WEEK: VOTES Act, Common Start Roundtable, & More

Last week was a bad week for voting rights in the US Senate, as Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema refused to support rules changes that would allow for important voting rights packages to pass amidst Republican opposition.

But this week—with your help—might be a good week for voting rights in Massachusetts.
Last October, the MA Senate passed the VOTES Act, which not only makes vote-by-mail and expanded early voting permanent but also goes further by eliminating our arbitrary, exclusionary voter registration cutoff and strengthening protections for jail-based voting.

The MA House is expected to take up this bill this week: on Thursday, January 27.

It’s important that the House pass the VOTES Act in full, especially the provisions on Same Day Registration and strengthening Jail-Based Voting.

Tell your state rep to support the VOTES Act in its entirety.

Driving Families Forward Virtual Briefing Series Continues

Join the Driving Families Forward Coalition for part II of the Driving Families Forward Coalition Virtual Briefing series! Over the last year, the Driving Families Forward Coalition has worked tirelessly gaining the support of more than 270 endorsing organizations, including community, health, faith, labor, business, and law enforcement for the Work and Family Mobility Act, which would ensure that immigration status is not a barrier to obtaining a driver’s license.

Tune in on Facebook Live at the Driving Families Forward page Tuesday, January, 25th to hear from law enforcement leaders supporting our legislation across the state.

Common Start Roundtable: Tuesday @ 6:30 pm

Tomorrow at 6:30 pm, the Common Start Coalition will be hosting a virtual roundtable–featuring Congresswoman Katherine Clark–about the child care crisis and the solutions for it, especially the Common Start bill.

Common Start Roundtable

Massachusetts Power Forward Day of Action

Climate Justice can’t wait! Massachusetts needs decision-makers to act fast and move more climate justice policy now!

Join the Massachusetts Power Forward coalition this Thursday for a day of action. 9AM – 10AM : Action Hour, call your legislators
12pm- 1pm: Action hour, take a selfie photo petition and post on twitter to push our legislators