Neponset Valley Progressives: Labor 22 Recap

By John Kyriakis, Neponset Valley Progressives

On January 25th, local Democratic town committees in Dedham, Norwood, Westwood, and Walpole joined to present “Labor 2022” an event designed to bring attention to the needs of our allies in the labor movement.

An inspiring keynote address from Massachusetts AFL-CIO president Steven Tolman was followed by a panel discussion between Dedham DTC Chair Mark Reilly and labor leaders Max German (AFL-CIO), Gabriel Camacho (UFCW), FayeRuth Fisher (SEIU), and Paul McClory (MTA). The panelists presented several key steps where progressives could take action.

1) Of key importance is the defeat of the so-called gig worker ballot initiative. This ballot question seeks to define Lyft, Uber, Instacart, and Door Dash employees as “contractors” rather than traditional employees. This would deny these low wage, front line workers OSHA protection and unemployment insurance. It would also authorize a sub-minimum wage for these workers, and would eliminate most anti-discrimination protections for workers. The initiative would also indemnify tech companies from litigation if the drivers are in an accident (for more information see here and here). The key components of this initiative are in violation of Massachusetts labor laws, and the initiative is already the subject of a lawsuit by Attorney General Maura Healey.  

The initiative has gained enough signatures to be turned over to the Legislature who have to either take no action, or enact a legislative “solution” that addresses the issues raised by the initiative. Of note, Lyft made the single largest campaign donation ($14.4 million) to the Massachusetts legislature in support of the imitative. If the legislature takes no action, then the well-heeled supporters must obtain an additional 13,374 petition signatures to put the initiative on the November ballot.

Please urge your state Reps and Senators to take no action on this egregious initiativeAfter that we must work to prevent the initiative from garnering the additional signatures it needs. If the measure ends up on the ballot, we must work to defeat it. Tell your friends and family that if this initiative fails, Uber, Lyft, etc. will still be there for them (albeit with unhappy rich shareholders). Also let them know that the crumbs being offered to workers as part of the initiative (a base wage, and a healthcare stipend) are not offered to all workers and are far from sufficient.  Counter corporate lies with truth

2) It is important that we keep up our efforts to enact the Fair Share Amendment.  Check out here to see how you can get involved.

3) Several bills pending in the statehouse also deserve our support.  These bills are due to be reported out of committee for floor votes (or killed) on February 2. Immediate action is needed.

  • S1179/H1959, An Act to Prevent Wage Theft and Promote Employer Accountability.  Contact your state Reps and Senators and urge support.
  • S69/H3710, An Act Facilitating the Unionization of the Cannabis Workforce.  Contact your local legislators and urge support. Also, contact Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz and Rep Daniel Donahue, committee chairs overseeing the movement of this bill to the floor and urge them to report this bill out of committee.