Solidarity Lowell February Meeting w/ Special Guest Alexandra Chandler

Solidarity Lowell welcomes Alexandra Chandler to our monthly meeting on the election crisis of 2022.

Sunday, February 27, 5:30pm, Zoom

The risk of election crisis in 2022 and 2024 is high and rising. A large percentage of voters believe that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, dozens of state-level bills have passed that will facilitate partisan interference in election results, and a campaign of threats and intimidation is driving an exodus of experienced election officials.

In this talk, Alexandra Chandler (former Congressional candidate, now working at Protect Democracy) will outline the core threats to U.S. elections and the potential for election subversion, how these threats and changes in voting access increase the risk level and change the playing field, but also why there is cause for hope and what folks can do to take action to reduce the risk of election crisis and other dangers to our democracy in 2022, 2024, and beyond.

Email us at to find out how to join the meeting.

Progressive Massachusetts Statement of Support for Boston Starbucks Workers Organizing a Union with Workers’ United — SEIU

Progressive Massachusetts stands in solidarity with the Boston area Starbucks baristas who are joining together and standing up for their right as workers to form a union.

Our founding belief is that we all do better when we all do better. Labor unions serve as powerful embodiments of that ethos, providing workers with a greater voice and greater economic security through collective agency.

We call upon Starbucks management to accept their workers’ decision to unionize and to refrain from union-busting tactics that pressure workers to vote No. Starbucks has gained a reputation as a socially responsible company, and we ask management to live up to their professed ethos and treat workers asking for a union with respect and dignity, not coercion and retaliation.