The legislative session in the MA State House ends this Sunday. That’s right: whatever doesn’t happen between now and Sunday will have to wait until next year.
But we know that so many things can’t wait.
Email Your State Legislators: MA Needs the HOMES Act
Last week, the Senate passed the HOMES Act as part of its economic development bill.
The moment that an eviction case is filed, a tenant has an eviction record for life. These eviction records are unfairly held against people when they try to rent a new place. Tenants should be able to seal their eviction record when they have done nothing wrong, when they pay what they owe, or when their case is dismissed or resolved.
The HOMES Act language will protect many tenants from being unfairly marked with an eviction record and would establish a fair process for tenants to petition the court on a case-by-case basis.
The Senate and House are right now working on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate bills.
The House did not include this essential tenant protection in their bill, and it’s vital that the HOMES Act remains in the final package.
Can you email your state legislators about the importance of keeping the HOMES Act in the final economic development bill?
Tell Charlie Baker: Sign the Climate Bill!
Last Thursday, the House and Senate passed climate legislation that, among other things, invests in off-shore wind and solar energy, accelerates the transition to electric vehicles, and ends renewable energy credits for wood-burning power plants (read our write-up here).
Please get this important legislation over the finish line! Urge Governor Baker to sign the bill ASAP with no changes.
Call Governor Baker at 617-725-4005 or (toll-free) 888-870-7770
Sample message:
“Hi, my name is ________ and I live in _____________. I urge the Governor to sign the climate bill into law as soon as possible, with no changes. I support ending clean energy subsidies for woody biomass. It’s crazy to burn wood for electricity.”