Women of PM Spotlight: Melanie O’Malley

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Progressive Mass Outreach & Operations Melanie O'MalleyMelanie O’Malley. Melanie joined our team in December 2021 as the Outreach and Operations Director. One of her priority issues is increasing access to quality childcare and early education. Join Melanie at a Parents Roundtable on the issue on Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 at 6pm. Click here to RSVP. Email Melanie for more info at: melanie@progressivemass.com.

Get to know Melanie:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

MO: I was really struck by the passion, dedication, and thoughtfulness of the people at Progressive Mass. I feel proud to support and collaborate with our staff and many volunteers.

PM: What issue are you most passionate about? 

MO: I have two-year-old son. Accessibility to affordable childcare and quality early education is dear to my heart as a mother and as an intersectional feminist. PM is part of the Common Start Coalition. Email me if you want to get involved!

PM: Who is your organizing or political idol? 

MO: Elizabeth Warren.

PM: What’s your favorite thing about canvassing or phone banking?

MO: Getting to know other people who are passionate about the same issues.

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

MO: Gold fish crackers.

PM: If you could have a mundane super power, what would it be?

MO: Beating the PM team at trivia. They’re tough!

PM: Tell us something you do that no one knows about or suspects?

MO: I’m learning to read Tarot cards. I love the symbolism and imagery.