Action: Here’s How You Can Help Protect the Fair Share Win

Earlier this year, Governor Healey proposed a plan to cut state taxes by a billion dollars each year, including nearly $400 million in tax cuts for the very wealthy. This proposed billion-dollar permanent tax cut would directly undermine the goals of the Fair Share Amendment while placing the state at risk for catastrophic budget cuts in future years.

It’s important that legislators hear loud and clear that this is directly against the will of the voters.

(1) Write to your state legislators: Let them know that it’s not okay to undermine Fair Share by giving big tax cuts to the rich. Massachusetts voters were clear: we want the rich to pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure.

(2) Show up to the State House tomorrow: The Joint Committee on Revenue will be holding a hearing tomorrow (Tuesday, March 28) on the Governor’s tax proposal and related bills. Join us and other allies from Raise Up Mass at the hearing.

Revenue Hearing, Tuesday, March 28, 11 am, Room A-1, State House

(3) Share the message: Raise Up has a handy set of infographics here to illuminate what’s at stake.