Women of PM Spotlight: Caroline Snow

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Caroline Snow. Caroline is a member of Progressive Mass’ Lowell Chapter, Solidarity Lowell. Solidarity Lowell is doing great organizing at the local level, working toward social justice by defending the human rights of all against hate and discrimination. Housing and Immigration rights are among their priority issues. If you are local and would like to get involved, contact Solidarity Lowell here. Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for up to date news and actions!

Get to know Caroline:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

CS: I love the structure of having chapters within a larger umbrella organization with the chapters focusing on primarily local, while the larger organization focuses on state issues.

PM: What issue are you most passionate about?

CS: Decarceration – focusing on eliminating solitary confinement and for-cost phone calls.

PM: What movie or book about your passion issue is your favorite?

CS: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

CS: I would choose potato chips.

Join the movement! Tell us how you’d like to volunteer with Progressive Mass, here.

Women of PM Spotlight: Francia Wisnewski

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Francia Wisnewski. Francia joined Progressive Mass’s Board in 2023. A tenacious advocate for working families and community development, Francia has decades of experiences working in nonprofits, education, and community organizing. We are thrilled to have Francia as part of PM’s leadership team and look forward to all we will accomplish together!

Get to know Francia:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

FW: As an activist locally, in Massachusetts and in the nation, I saw an opportunity to join a group of like-minded individuals and who are already making big strides for change. Being an advocate to disrupt patterns of the oppressive status quo can be burdensome, so working in collaborative space with a grass rooted organization, keeps you strong and focused on a field that needs a constant infusion of energy to fight the status quo.

PM: What was the first campaign on which you organized and what did you do? 

FW: Back in college, organizing a group of my peers to join a citywide march in protest.

PM: Who is your organizing or political idol? 

FW: This question it’s always hard, because I have many inspirations from young people, people of color, global leaders and local activists who speak truth to power and put themselves out of the comfort zone! I am inspired by Rigoberta Menchú from Guatemala, Juanita Nelson from Greenfield MA, Ayanna Pressley, to name a few.

PM: What movie or book about your passion issue is your favorite?

FW: The book, Daring Democracy from Frances Moore Lappé, the movie South of the Border directed by Oliver Stone, and the book, Gaviotas by Alan Weissman from Cummington MA.

PM: What’s your favorite thing about canvassing or phone banking?

FW: When people pick up the phone and are interested about it. Also doing it with others for moral support.

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

FW: Mixed hors d’oeuvres from The Globe.

PM: If you could have a mundane super power, what would it be?

FW: To digest fair media and to be able to use this knowledge to nail down persuasion or dissuasion for common good.

PM: Tell us something you do that no one knows about or suspects?

FW: I am always singing aloud in the highways while driving.

Join the movement! Tell us how you’d like to volunteer with Progressive Mass, here.