Action Alert: Protect Fair Share, NO to Tax Cuts for the Rich 📣

Last November, voters sent a message by voting for the Fair Share Amendment: the rich should pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure. For years, the Legislature has used the line “We don’t have the money” to justify inaction and underinvestment. We got them the money.

But on Thursday, the MA House made clear that they plan to give money right back to the rich and large corporations by passing a tax cut package filled with giveaways to the richest residents of the Commonwealth. And that’s not okay.

The House vote was 150 to 3, with only Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge), Rep. Dan Sena (D-Acton), and Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D-Somerville) voting no. If they are your representatives, you should reach out and thank them. With the exception of a few absent representatives, all others voted yes, and if your representative voted to undermine Fair Share like that, they need to hear about your disappointment. Read more about the vote here.

But the fight isn’t it over.

Here’s how you can act.📣

The tax plans proposed by the Governor and the House include hundreds of millions of dollars in unecessary giveaways to the ultra-rich and large corporations. But the Senate can take a different path.

Call your State Senator TODAY and ask them to:

✅ REJECT the proposed cut to the short-term capital gains tax that would overwhelmingly benefit wealthy investors;
✅REJECT expanding the ‘single sales factor apportionment’ that would give a massive tax break to large, profitable multi-state corporations;
✅TARGET any estate tax reform exclusively to moderate estates, with no tax breaks to large multi-million-dollar estates; AND
✅USE THOSE SAVINGS to invest in affordable housing, childcare, and reliable transportation.

Don’t know your State Senator’s phone number? Find it here, and then save it in your phone for next time.

And then after you make that call, can you follow up with an email?