Letter (Globe): Needs of the many outweigh the desires of a few

Written by Progressive WRoz/Roz member Nina Lev and published in the Boston Globe on April 19, 2023.

I am both puzzled and disappointed by the current budget talks on Beacon Hill. Much of the analysis pits the benefits of those who are struggling to meet their basic needs against those of our wealthiest residents (“House’s tax plan echoes Healey’s ‘competitiveness’ goals,” Metro, April 12). Why is it assumed that the only way to retain the wealthy is to give them a tax break?

Don’t these citizens already live in comfortable homes, send their children to good schools, and enjoy nice vacations? Wouldn’t their lives, like those of the rest of us, be enhanced by providing secure housing and great educational opportunities to all of the Commonwealth’s children? Like the rest of us, don’t they wantreliable transportation, environmentally sustainable infrastructure, public art, and glorious parks? Until we can fully fund all these priorities, shouldn’t we hold off on talking about refunds to the most fortunate?

Nina Lev
