Let’s really value mothers on Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day!

What would our Legislature be doing if it truly valued the work of mothers (and all parents)?

They would be strengthening our child care infrastructure with the Common Start bills so that all parents can access affordable child care.

They would be requiring health insurance plans to cover all pregnancy care without any kind of cost-sharing.

They would be addressing the stark racial disparities in maternal health outcomes in our Commonwealth.

They would be pausing the expansion of prison and jail construction because a new women’s prison would only continue cycles of family separation and trauma.

Can you write to your legislators about the importance of passing these policies this session?

Donate to #FreeBlackMamas National Bail Out

Our carceral system separates families and destabilizes community. We all have a role to play in changing the system.

Each year, the National Bail Out, a Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers, and activists building a community-based movement to end systems of pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration, coordinates the Mama’s Day Bail Outs, where they bail out as many Black mothers and caregivers as they can so they can spend Mother’s Day with their families. Can you make a donation to their work in honor of Mother’s Day?

Thank you for all that you do to make Massachusetts a place where everyone can thrive.

In solidarity,

Melanie O’Malley
Outreach and Operations Director