MA Can Continue to Lead on Gun Violence Prevention

By Becca Kornet, Progressive Mass Western Norfolk County

Progressive Mass Western Norfolk County and the Medfield Democratic Town Committee co-hosted a virtual event on November 9 focused on gun violence. Rina Schneur from Moms Demand Action Massachusetts highlighted key statistics about gun violence, discussed the work that Moms does, and explained the omnibus gun violence bill recently passed by the State House (H.4139).

Moms Demand Action is an organization that advocates for gun safety laws, supports survivors and local partners, educates the public about secure gun storage, and supports candidates who will be champions for gun violence prevention.

Here are a few of the striking statistics she highlighted:

  • Every day, 120 Americans are killed with guns (up from 100 a day just a few years ago).
  • Firearms are the #1 leading cause of death for American children and teens.
  • While mass shootings are horrific and often motivate people to volunteer and take action, they actually represent <.5% of all gun deaths – the majority of gun deaths are suicides.
  • The gun death rate in the US is 20 times higher than that of other high-income countries.
Firearms are the #1 leading cause of death for American children and teens.
59% of gun deaths (2016-2020) were suicides
The gun death rate in the US is 20 times higher than that of other high income countries.

On October 18, the MA House voted 120 to 38 to pass H.4139: An Act Modernizing Gun Laws. Of Medfield’s two state representatives, Denise Garlick voted for the bill, and Marcus Vaughn voted against it.

Here’s what the bill would do:

  • Strengthen the process for and training associated with obtaining a license to carry a firearm
  • Ensure consistency in all forms of orders of protection and expands categories of people eligible to petition for protection
  • Rein in ghost guns by requiring firearm serialization and requiring the Department of Criminal Justice Information to collect and publish relevant data
  • Require all firearms sold in MA to be sold with locks or safety devices
  • Establish a commission to study the funding structure for violence prevention services and a commission to study and report microstamping and personalized handgun technology
  • Prohibit firearms in sensitive places (e.g., schools)
  • Raise the age of possessing a semi-automatic long gun to 21

The Massachusetts State Senate is working on its own bill, and we expect action by January. Please text MA to 64433 to contact your State Senator and urge them to take action.