News Roundup – January 5, 2024

Walter Wuthmann, “$1.5 billion in estimated revenue: A look at the Mass. ‘millionaire’s tax’ first year,” WBUR, December 28, 2023.

“The money is going where it was promised,” said Raise Up MA Coalition spokesperson Andrew Farnitano in an interview. He said such investments are “only possible because the voters passed this constitutional amendment and we created this new tax.”

Zeninjor Enwemeka, “Mass.’ minimum wage will stay at $15 this year. There’s a new push to raise it to $20,” WBUR, December 27, 2023.

“After they take out my health insurance, after they take out my taxes, I’m making $5 an hour,” Stevens, 41, said. He lives in Peabody with his wife and two kids.””After they take out my health insurance, after they take out my taxes, I’m making $5 an hour,” Stevens, 41, said. He lives in Peabody with his wife and two kids.”

Macie Parker, “Communities at climate risk need help, but state dollars are hard to come by,” Boston Globe, December 25, 2023.

“There are proven solutions to climate impacts….We just need the funding and technical assistance to implement those solutions.”

Rebecca Ostriker and Mark Arsenault, “A Boston Building, Scattered Souls, and Rent Control Revisited,” Boston Globe, December 17, 2023.

“The story of the Hotel Hemenway is the story of acity transformed, and also of the state’s on-again, off-again history with rent control. And that story continues, with intensity, today. Twenty-nine years after Massachusetts voters ended rent control in a ballot initiative, there’s an escalating political battle over resurrecting government controls, a response to the region’s unprecedented housing crisis that has pushed costs out of reach for many working people.”

John Micke, “Healey: Mass. cities, towns in line for $100M in infrastructure aid through millionaires’ tax,” MassLive, December 15, 2023.

“Days before Christmas, Massachusetts’ 351 cities and towns are in line for $100 million in state aid to help them cover local infrastructure costs, according to Gov. Maura Healey’s office.”

Editorial Board, “Give supervised consumption sites a chance to reduce drug-related deaths,” Boston Globe, December 15, 2023.

“On Wednesday, Governor Maura Healey’s Department of Public Health released two reports that provide a rationale for opening supervised consumption sites and a practical blueprint for doing so. The state Legislature should take the next step and create a legal framework that would let public health professionals oversee these efforts without fear of state-level professional or legal liability.”

Phyllis Keenan, “My Turn: Restoring the promise of Massachusetts’ community colleges,” The Greenfield Recorder, December 12, 2023.

“By addressing the needs of adjunct faculty, relieving students of crippling debt, and improving campus infrastructure, lawmakers can make good on the promise of our public higher education system. It’s time for Massachusetts to prioritize the education of its citizens. Passing the CHERISH Act is a crucial step in the right direction.”

Annette Duke and Trevor Samios, “Tenants facing eviction need lawyers,” CommonWealth, December 7, 2023.

“Landlords and tenants, organizations fighting homelessness, healthcare leaders, faith-based organizations, and mayors all agree it is time Massachusetts stepped in with legal help for those facing the trauma of eviction.”