Our Shared Prosperity Agenda
Large corporations need to pay their fair share so that we can protect essential services and continue to invest in our Commonwealth.
Corporate Fair Share (HD.3390 / SD.1684)
- Title: An Act combating offshore tax avoidance
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Carlos González; Sens. Jason Lewis & Liz Miranda
- What It Does: Makes large global mega-corporations pay the state’s existing corporate tax rate on a higher share of the excess profits they conceal in offshore tax havens
All students deserve well-resourced, supportive schools that set them up for success.
Thrive Act (HD.4328 / SD.1401)
- Title: An Act empowering students and schools to thrive
- Lead Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño; Sen. Adam Gomez
- What It Does: Ends state takeovers of public schools/districts, establishes a commission to shape the future of student assessments, and curbs the privatization of public education
Funding Our Public Schools (HD.2334 / SD.1719)
- Title: An Act to fix the Chapter 70 inflation adjustment
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Orlando Ramos; Sen. Robyn Kennedy
- What It Does: Makes a technical fix to the state education funding formula so that state funding to public school districts keeps pace with inflation over time
Debt-Free Public Higher Ed (HD.1473 / SD.300)
- Title: An Act relative to debt-free public higher education
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Natalie Higgins & Carmine Gentile; Sen. Jamie Eldridge
- What It Does: Creates a higher education system where every Massachusetts resident has a right to attend any public college or university free of tuition and fees
We need to empower our cities and towns to take action to address our housing crisis.
Real Estate Transfer Fee (HD.1112 / SD.1216)
- Title: An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Mike Connolly & Rep. Carmine Gentile; Sen. Jo Comerford
- What It Does: Enables cities and towns to levy a modest fee on high-end residential and commercial real estate transactions to create dedicated funding for affordable housing
Rent Stabilization (HD.2501 / SD.1084)
- Title: An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Dave Rogers & Sam Montaño; Sen. Pat Jehlen
- What It Does: Enables cities and towns to pass rent stabilization ordinances to fight displacement
Tenant Opportunity to Purchase (HD.1925 / SD.1068)
- Title: An Act to guarantee a tenant’s first right of refusal
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Jay Livingstone & Rob Consalvo; Sen. Pat Jehlen
- What It Does: Enables cities and towns to give tenants the right of first refusal to purchase a building when the owner puts it up for sale
We are all healthier when we all have access to high-quality care without cost burden.
Medicare for All (HD.1228 / SD.2341)
- Title: An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Lindsay Sabadosa & Margaret Scarsdale; Sen. Jamie Eldridge
- What It Does: Establishes a single payer system, in which the state provides health care to all residents as a right
Our Racial and Social Justice Agenda
A fair, humane criminal legal system is one that allows for second chances and focuses on investing in economic opportunity, not in incarceration.
Raise the Age (HD.3632 / SD.2115)
- Title: An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Jim O’Day & Manny Cruz; Sen. Brendan Crighton
- What It Does: End the automatic prosecution of older adolescents as adults by gradually shifting 18- to 20-year-olds into the juvenile justice system
Clean Slate (HD.1788 / SD.949)
- Title: An Act requiring clean slate automated record sealing
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Mary Keefe; Sen. Cindy Friedman
- What It Does: Creates an automated system in Massachusetts to seal criminal records as soon as people are eligible
Prison Moratorium (HD.523 / SD.671)
- Title: An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Chynah Tyler; Sen. Jo Comerford
- What It Does: Enacts a five-year pause on new prison and jail construction in order to provide time to develop more effective, community-based approaches to public safety
The family separation of deportation and incarceration weakens our communities. Families belong together.
Safe Communities Act (HD.3816 / SD.1670)
- Title: An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Manny Cruz & Priscila Sousa; Sens. Jamie Eldridge & Liz Miranda
- What It Does: Limits local and state police collaboration with federal immigration agents, bars law enforcement and court personnel from inquiring about immigration status, protects access to justice in our courts, and ensures due process protections
Immigrant Legal Defense Act (HD.4072 / SD.2057)
- Title: An Act ensuring access to equitable representation in immigration proceedings
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Dave Rogers & Frank Moran; Sen. Adam Gomez
- What It Does: Creates a funded program for legal defense of immigrants facing deportation proceedings, especially those in federal detention
Visitation Bill (HD.3241 / SD.985)
- Title: An Act to build restorative family and community connection
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Marjorie Decker; Sen. Liz Miranda
- What It Does: Eliminates arbitrary, unnecessary restrictions on visitation rights in prisons, jails, and ICE detention units
Privacy rights are essential to protect abortion patients and providers, trans people and their families, journalists, and more from attack by bad actors.
Location Shield Act (HD.2965 / SD.501)
- Title: An Act to protect safety and privacy by stopping the sale of location data
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian; Sen. Cindy Creem
- What It Does: Prohibits companies from selling cell phone location data
An inclusive society is one where we celebrate our diversity, not seek to ban books or whitewash history.
Right to Learn Bill (HD.625 / SD.141)
- Title: An Act regarding free expression
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. John Moran & Rep. Adam Scanlon; Sen. Julian Cyr
- What It Does: Ensures that public and school libraries can offer diverse and inclusive books, media, and materials without political interference
- Title: An Act to promote comprehensive and inclusive curriculum in schools
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Tram Nguyen & Rep. Steve Ultrino; Sen. Adam Gomez
- What It Does: Sets standards of accuracy and comprehensiveness in public school instruction for all students to learn about the histories, experiences, perspectives, heritages, and cultures of all Americans
Our Sustainable Infrastructure & Environmental Protection Agenda
We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground and ensure that the major polluters who have caused the climate crisis pay for the cost of climate action.
Put Gas in the Past (HD.3428 / SD.2088)
- Title: An Act preventing gas expansion to protect climate, community health and safety
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Bud Williams & Adrianne Ramos; Sen. Adam Gomez
- What It Does: Prevents the expansion of gas infrastructure near Environmental Justice communities and requires gas companies and the Commonwealth to undergo planning for a just transition to green energy
Make Polluters Pay (HD.3369 / SD.1674)
- Title: An Act establishing a climate change superfund
- Lead Sponsors: Reps. Steve Owens & Jack Lewis; Sen. Jamie Eldridge
- What It Does: Requires major polluters to pay a fee based on historic emissions to pay for the costs of climate resilience
Our Good Government & Strong Democracy Agenda
Our democracy is strongest when everyone can participate, whether in elections or the legislative process.
Same Day Registration (HD.856 / SD.667)
- Title: An Act establishing same day registration of voters
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Carmine Gentile; Sen. Cindy Creem
- What It Does: Enables eligible citizens to register to vote at the polls, eliminating the arbitrary 10-day voter registration window
Decoupling the Municipal Census from the Voter Rolls (HD.2673 / SD.636)
- Title: An Act decoupling the municipal census from voter registration
- Lead Sponsors: Rep. Shirley Arriaga; Sen. Cindy Creem
- What It Does: Ends the use of the municipal census to remove voters from the active voter lists
Sunlight Act (SD.467)
- Title: An Act to provide sunlight to state government
- Lead Sponsor: Sen. Jamie Eldridge
- What It Does: Promotes transparency in state government by removing the Governor’s exemption from public records law, requiring committee votes and legislative testimony to be public, and requiring 2 weeks notice for legislative hearings