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Boston Magazine: What the Capuano-Pressley Primary Says about Boston

What the Capuano-Pressley Primary Says About Boston” — David Bernstein, Boston Magazine (8/16/2018)

Out of more than 60 yes-no questions on a Progressive Massachusetts questionnaire filled out by the campaigns this summer, Pressley and Capuano differed on just five. They are: Pressley wants to eliminate ICE, while Capuano does not; she agrees with limiting solitary confinement to 15 days and eliminating it for at-risk populations, while he wants to keep it only for protecting an inmate from the general prison population; he supports a federal job guarantee, while she is undecided; she opposes legislation making assault on a police officer a federal crime, while he voted for the Protect and Serve Act in May (explaining that it codified existing laws and did not expand them); and she would make Election Day a federal holiday, while he says there are better approaches to improving the voting process. And that’s all.


“I don’t know any supporters of Capuano who are under 40,” says Jonathan Cohn, a leading millennial activist with Progressive Massachusetts, who adds that his generation has “a mistrust of those who were in power for so long.” Older voters, even self-described progressives, believe in sticking with those who have been good to them; many are offended that Pressley is even challenging Capuano.

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