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Bay State Banner: Candidates Face off in JP

Candidates face off in JP Progressives debate” — Yawu Miller, Bay State Banner (6/11/2018)

Meanwhile, 15th District resident Jenny Hochstadt borrowed Elugardo’s sentiment in expressing that “this is one of the most progressive states, and Sanchez just isn’t progressive enough.” Elugardo has repeatedly used this phrase and criticized Sanchez for the slow pace of progressive change in Massachusetts, often citing his C+ grade by the group Progressive Massachusetts.

It became clear that the large crowd, comprised of Sanchez’s base supporters and progressives looking to challenge the Legislature’s leadership, would not all fit inside the 140-seater venue, and some residents were turned away.

The debate was hosted by three progressive, political groups: JP Progressives, a grassroots organization affiliated with Progressive Massachusetts, which aims to mobilize the voters of Jamaica Plain; the Boston chapter of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization whose work is inspired by Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign; and Amplify LatinX, a non-partisan group who campaign for increased Latino representation in government and corporate leadership.

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