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And the Winners Are…!

This year, Massachusetts voters will have the opportunity to make sure that strong progressive candidates get elected up and down the ballot. And that requires important decisions.

At Progressive Massachusetts, we are committed to a vision of shared prosperity, racial and social justice, good governance and strong democracy, and sustainable infrastructure and environmental protection. And we translate that vision into a Legislative Agenda each session. We need allies in elected office who will help us fight for that vision.

Three statewide races will be voted on at the Massachusetts Democratic Party convention on Saturday, June 2nd (one month from today). Earlier this year, we asked candidates to fill out our comprehensive policy questionnaire, and our chapters around the state held forums to get to know the candidates better. Over the past two weeks, we asked our members for their recommendation in each of the three races, and we set a high threshold of 60% to make sure that we have a strong consensus before getting involved in a race.

The results are in……

Governor: Jay Gonzalez

At Saturday’s MA Republican Convention, Republican Governor Charlie Baker showed–yet again–how he isn’t that different from his Republican friends in Washington.

In his convention speech, Baker touted his support for a Trumpian mass deportation agenda, racist and misguided policies that have fueled mass incarceration, and a vision for the state that leaves behind the most underserved communities so that millionaires and billionaires have the money to buy their sixth private jet.

Republican Governor Charlie Baker has fought to roll back the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, promoted the development of new dirty fossil fuel pipelines across the state, and attacked the unions and public services that make our state strong.

We can do better. We need to do better.

We need allies in the Corner Office who believe in building upon past health care reforms to build a truly universal single payer health care system, in fighting for workers and supporting a $15 minimum wage and paid family and medical leave, in crafting a fair tax system, in transitioning our economy away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy, in investing in the public education and public transit systems that are the bedrocks of our economy, in taking additional steps to reform our criminal justice system, in making Massachusetts a state where immigrants and families can live their lives without the daily fear of deportation, in making sure all Massachusetts residents are treated with dignity and respect, and in ensuring that our democracy is one in which all voices are heard and not drowned out by big money.

We are proud to endorse Jay Gonzalez for Governor.

Here’s what some of our members said about Jay:

“Jay Gonzalez has the experience, knowledge and understanding about state government to implement and enact our vision for our future.” — Caroline

“I’m so excited to support Jay Gonzalez! Too often, we face mediocre leadership in Massachusetts. I’m all in to unseat Charlie Baker this fall, and Jay is the progressive voice to beat Baker. From early education to gender equity and transportation to safe communities, he brings the leadership and vision the Commonwealth needs.” — Denise

“As the former Secretary of Administration and Finance under Deval Patrick and a successful healthcare CEO, Jay Gonzalez has the necessary experience to both do the job well and effectively critique the poor management performance of our do nothing Governor Charlie Baker. But most importantly Jay is genuine and present with people and will represent ALL the people of Massachusetts with compassion and love.” — Susan

Lieutenant Governor: Quentin Palfrey

A progressive Governor needs a progressive Lieutenant Governor to serve as an ally, someone who can be an effective liaison to the Legislature and to the cities and towns across the Commonwealth.

We are proud to endorse Quentin Palfrey for Lieutenant Governor.

Here’s what some of our members said about Quentin:

“Quentin Palfrey has a great mix of energy and experience, and would make a fantastic Lt. Gov. He is a strong organizer with the right priorities of health care and inequality.” — Andrew

“Quentin Palfrey’s laser focused on the single most important issue facing Massachusetts: tackling income inequality to make a more fair society.” — Bryan

Secretary of the Commonwealth: Josh Zakim

At the Massachusetts Democratic convention one month from today, there will be another race up for a vote: Secretary of the Commonwealth. This race can often fly under the radar, but it is an important one, with power over election administration, campaign finance, public records, and even the census.

In Attorney General Maura Healey, we have a statewide official who takes on a leadership role and sets an example for other states. We need a Secretary who will exhibit such bold, progressive leadership as well.

We are proud to endorse Josh Zakim for Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Here’s what our members are saying about Josh:

“Josh Zakim brings a fresh perspective along with a passion for modernizing our democratic institutions to expand participation and transparency.” — Ziba

“Massachusetts’ election laws & public records laws are out-of-date, lagging behind many less progressive states. While other states laws were updated to improve citizens’ access to their government—MA laws vigorously reinforce the status quo. It’s time for the fresh leadership that Josh Zakim will bring.” — Lisa

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