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Wednesday, 5/4: Join us for a Legislative Update & Action Evening

Did you know that we have fewer than 100 days left in the Legislative Session?

That’s right: the session will come to a close on July 31, and there are a lot of important bills still in the air.

Join us next Wednesday, 5/4, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm to learn more about some of our top legislative priorities and how to take action to support them.

The first hour will consist of deep dives on legislation. The second hour will consist of breakout groups for taking action in this critical part of the session: whether phone banking or text-banking to constituents of key legislators, relational organizing, or letter-writing.

Featured Speakers:

  • Chrystel Murrieta, Political Coordinator, SEIU 32BJ
  • Cabell Eames, Political Coordinator, 350 Mass / Better Future Project
  • Sana Fadel, Deputy Director, Citizens for Juvenile Justice
  • Vanessa Snow, Director of Organizing & Policy, MassVOTE

Fair Share Amendment Canvass Kickoffs!

Join the Fair Share Amendment Campaign to kick off the effort’s first regional canvasses of 2022!

We’ll be joining allies from across the Commonwealth in Raise Up Mass to hit the doors and talk to voters about how the Fair Share Amendment could transform our communities—from well-resourced and affordable public education to safe roads and bridges and reliable public transportation. A successful response to climate change depends on robust, ongoing investments in public transit, and the Fair Share Amendment will provide the sustainable revenue to make that a reality.

Join an event near you to get connected, get trained, and help us spread the word about YES on Fair Share this November!

Canvass Kickoffs are being held in:

Lynn – Saturday, April 30
Boston – Saturday, April 30
New Bedford – Saturday, April 30

The Fair Share Amendment is a proposal to add a small tax on annual individual incomes exceeding $1 million. While the amendment is expected to impact fewer than 1% of taxpayers, it is projected to raise nearly $2 billion each year for investments in public education and infrastructure improvements. The Fair Share Amendment is on the ballot statewide on November 8, 2022.

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