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Women of PM Spotlight: Sandie Kimball

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Sandie Kimball. Sandie is a co-lead of our local chapter, Progressive Mass Western Norfolk County (Norfolk, Plainville, Wrentham, Medfield). Congratulations to Sandie on the one year anniversary of her chapter! Western Norfolk County Progressives have achieved many successes in their first year and we can’t wait to see what they’ll achieve in the year to come. If you’re local, reach out to them here.

Get to know Sandie:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

SK: My local DTC was not open to discussing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which is more important to me than being a Democrat.

PM: What issue are you most passionate about? 

SK: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, including teaching about racial biases in school curriculum, combating book banning in school libraries, and taking action to support equal rights for people of color and LGBTQ people.

PM: What was the first campaign on which you organized and what did you do? 

SK: I was Coordinator of Volunteers for Kevin Kalkut’s campaign for State Representative for the Ninth Norfolk District.

PM: Who is your organizing or political idol? 

SK: John Lewis.

PM: What movie or book about your passion issue is your favorite?

SK: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.

PM: What’s your favorite thing about canvassing or phone banking?

SK: Nothing!

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

SK: Lowfat Greek yogurt with granola and skim milk.

PM: If you could have a mundane super power, what would it be?

SK: Computer hardware super power.

PM: Tell us something you do that no one knows about or suspects?

SK: I love to take a plastic bag with me when I go for walks in my town and pick up trash.

Join the movement! Tell us how you’d like to volunteer with Progressive Mass, here.

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