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“Senators Should Treat This Report as a Red Light”

Earlier this week, Massachusetts reported April state tax revenues $1.6 billion short of what officials originally projected.

As Raise Up Massachusetts said in a statement, “Senators should treat this report as a red light. Rather than cutting taxes for the wealthy, they should focus on making sustainable investments in affordability for working families.”

In the face of a possible economic downturn and a debt-ceiling showdown (and possible looming government shutdown) on the federal level, continuing to move forward with tax cuts for the ultra-rich and large corporations isn’t just inequitable — it’s reckless, setting our state up for deep cuts to necessary programs and services.

Can you write to your state senator today about opposing tax cuts for the ultra-rich and large corporations?

Even better: Make a call! You can find your senator’s phone number here and a phone script at

And when you’re done: Can you think of three friends to reach out to as well?

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