Our 2022 (!) Annual Member Meeting, Expanding Our Board, New Chapter Info Session, & More

Yes, it’s almost 2022 already. Can you believe it?

So it’s time to mark your calendars for our 2022 annual member meeting on Saturday, January 22nd.

With an important election year coming up, we’ll be hearing from statewide candidates running next year. Stay tuned for more.

WHAT: Progressive Mass 2022 Annual Member Meeting

WHEN: Saturday, January 22 (Time TBD)

WHERE: Zoom (But we hope to see you in person again before too long!)

Not yet a member? Become one today!

Not sure if you’re a member? Check your status here.

2022 Board Elections

Every year, at our Annual Meeting, Progressive Mass elects new Board members to serve 2-year terms. This year, we are looking to elect at least 2 new board members.

Our Board is a working Board, setting direction for all of PM’s external political work and internal organizational development, and leading or getting involved in various efforts. See more info here.

Interested? Email governance@progressivemass.com with a brief bio, an expression of interest, and relevant expertise/experience (as well as with any questions) and, attach this linked form providing at least ten names of dues-paying members of Progressive Mass who will support your candidacy.

Forms are due by Thursday, December 23.

Join or renew before the end of 2021!

  • Were you active this year and are looking for a home base to stay involved?
  • Are you looking for like-minded, mission-driven fellow activists and organizers?
  • Do you want to have a say in PM’s priorities and endorsements?

Then be sure to join or renew your PM membership!

You’ll be supporting PM’s grassroots movement to make Massachusetts live up to its progressive reputation.

No PM chapter in your area? Want to start one?

Join us for an information session on Saturday, December 11, at 10 am to find out what’s involved in starting and running a chapter.

  • What do chapters do?
  • What difference do they make?
  • What are the steps to launch a chapter?

Sign up here for our chapter interest info session!

In Two Weeks — Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power

Massachusetts progressives are well aware of the crises we face. Climate catastrophes and COVID-19 ravage communities across the country, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and the poor always suffering most. The risk of nuclear war is as close as we have ever been. In Massachusetts, the growing incidence of the diseases of despair; addiction, ODs, and suicide reflect the worsening misery of much of our population while Trumpism threatens our political will to make change happen.

Come to our online Fall 2021 conference, Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power, on Dec 4-5, where we will explore how we can move our programs forward with maximum impact, strategizing how to engage, unite and build the power needed to reverse the destructive policies of our current governmental structures. We acknowledge the urgency to center those whose lived experiences of resistance to oppression and injustice form the scaffold for our agenda.

Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5, 2021

by Zoom

Massachusetts progressives are well aware of the crises we face. Climate catastrophes and COVID-19 ravage communities across the country, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and the poor always suffering most. The risk of nuclear war is as close as we have ever been. In Massachusetts, the growing incidence of the diseases of despair; addiction, ODs, and suicide reflect the worsening misery of much of our population while Trumpism threatens our political will to make change happen.

Come to our online Fall 2021 conference, Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power, on Dec 4-5, where we will explore how we can move our programs forward with maximum impact, strategizing how to engage, unite and build the power needed to reverse the destructive policies of our current governmental structures. We acknowledge the urgency to center those whose lived experiences of resistance to oppression and injustice form the scaffold for our agenda.

The 2016 and 2020 national elections, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Indigenous resistance to the Line 3 pipeline have changed power relationships and shifted cultural narratives in the United States. The Sanders presidential campaigns and the elections of AOC, Ayanna Pressley, and other members of The Squad point out the possibilities and the potential for progressive politics in the United States, but we are far from where we need to be. We will examine how we strengthen Progressive influence in our national, state and local governments.

To build power, we must forge coalitions of movements and groups, made up of different racial, ethnic, class, and gender constituencies. We must dismantle white supremacy and understand what it means to be an ally. We will begin the process of building a political agenda that is inclusive of human rights, including frequently under-represented BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities, as we confront the threats of economic exploitation, climate change and nuclear war.  

Lastly, we will address: how we maintain morale when political incrementalism impacts our power to address broad international issues and crises faced by the grassroots; and how we can conserve stamina, have fun and feel joy in our efforts. We should dance as we work toward a more just and sustainable world.

Sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action, Our Revolution Massachusetts, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Massachusetts, North American Indian Center of Boston, Incorruptible Mass, Boston Democratic Socialists of America, Massachusetts Call 2 Action.

Registration: Pay what you can afford, $0- $100 – unlimited, sliding scale. Average to cover our costs: $20. Read the sliding scale guidance page.   Register to attend.

We need 30 breakout facilitators and 30 student recorders!  Breakout facilitators should experienced at convening groups of people to work together on a common task, and preferably, be familiar with the conference’s subject matter. There will be a planning meeting for conveners, probably on Dec. 2 or 3. Sign up to be a breakout facilitator (and register for the conference at the same time).  You must be able to attend on Sunday as well as Saturday!

Student recorders should be high school or college students who can take notes during breakouts, capture list of attendees, and make a Zoom recording. You will be paid $30 for this work. There will be a brief orientation session on Dec. 3 at 3pm. Sign up to be a student recorder!

Sponsor or Endorse: Massachusetts progressive organizations are invited to cosponsor or endorse. See details and sign up.


Saturday, December 4

9:00 am Welcome and Keynote Address

10:00 am Federal Strategy Panel

11:00 am Breakouts

12:00 noon Lunch

1:00 pm State Strategy and Issues Panel

3:00 pm Breakouts

4:00 pm Wrapup

5:00 pm Adjourn

Sunday, December 5

10:00 am Next Steps

12:00 pm Adjourn

Sunday, 11/7: Our Democracy Under Siege: How do we rebuild a better and more just Democracy?

Our Democracy Under Siege: How do we rebuild a better and more just Democracy?

As we recover from the carnage that Trump has inflicted on our democracy, it is time for reflection in order to understand what damage has been done, what threats are still facing us, and how we can effectively address the fallout from Trump’s Presidency. We will explore issues such as what work still needs to be done to address low voter turnout, how to create enthusiasm for our government, and how to effectively fight the cynicism that many Americans feel towards our democracy. As we look to the future, how do we create a sense of “We the People” as racism, xenophobia, and numerous inequities and injustices result in pessimism in the American populace.

Join Progressive Watertown on Sunday, November 7, at 2 pm for a discussion. RSVP here!

Redistricting and YOU: How to Effectively Lobby for Fair Maps in MA

Redistricting 2021 Event

This year — likely this MONTH, the Massachusetts Legislature will be drawing the legislative and Congressional districts for the next decade. The Drawing Democracy Coalition recently released a Unity Map informed by community groups across the state. What are the key features of this map? How does one set priorities in redistricting? What makes a map fair? And how can we be effective advocates?

We’ll have a discussion with Jordan Berg Powers of Mass Alliance, Beth Huang of the Massachusetts Voter Table, and Roberto Jiménez Rivera of the Boston Teachers Union. (Additional speakers may be announced.)

Missed the event? Watch it here.


Rally to Defend Abortion: In Boston & Across MA

Today, just days before the U.S. Supreme Court begins a new session that will include a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, organizations dedicated to reproductive health, rights, and justice are joining together to demonstrate clearly and unequivocally that we will not allow abortion to be outlawed — and that we are ready to fight to protect, defend, and expand access to abortion for everyone, no matter what.

The biggest rally today will be the one in Boston at 12:00 PM in Franklin Park. RSVP: bit.ly/bostonrallytodefendabortion.

But there are also rallies and standouts in every corner of the Commonwealth. Find the closest one to you here.

In solidarity,

Meg Wheeler

Board, Progressive Mass

Progressive Mass Trivia Night 2021

Missing the in-person parties of the weekend of the Democratic Party convention? Missing in-person parties in general?

Well, don’t let that deter you from having a good time! Join us for a trivia night and fundraiser.

Show off your knowledge of Massachusetts as well as MA pop culture and politics with fun questions — and even more fun prizes.

Reserve a ticket today!

Progressive Mass Trivia Night 2021

Friday, September 24, 7:30 pm to 9 pm

Zoom (link upon RSVP)

$25 per person

$100 per a group of 5 tickets

$100 to sponsor a question

Book Talk: Lily Geismer and Tracy O’Connell Novick on “Don’t Blame Us”

In her book Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, Lily Geismer traces the evolution of modern liberalism by focusing on the suburban organizing along the high-tech corridor of Route 128 around Boston in the 1950s and 1960s. Surveying political fights around fair housing, education, war/peace, and land use, Geismer explores both the possibilities and limitations of such organizing, with important lessons for activists of today.

What can we learn about the political landscape in our state, and how can the history of such organizing inform our work today? We invited Worcester School Committee Member Tracy O’Connell Novick to facilitate a discussion with Geismer. Check it out!

Book Talk with Lily Geismer, Author of “Don’t Blame Us”

In her book Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, Lily Geismer traces the evolution of modern liberalism by focusing on the suburban organizing along the high-tech corridor of Route 128 around Boston in the 1950s and 1960s. Surveying political fights around fair housing, education, war/peace, and land use, Geismer explores both the possibilities and limitations of such organizing, with important lessons for activists of today.

What can we learn about the political landscape in our state, and how can the history of such organizing inform our work today? Worcester School Committee Member Tracy O’Connell Novick will facilitate the discussion.

RSVP here.

There’s a LOT Going on This Week

This past weekend marked the first time that Juneteenth was recognized as a federal holiday.

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration of the end of slavery, with its date stemming from when the Union General Gordon Granger formally announced enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Galveston, Texas.

Juneteenth is a day to celebrate, but also a reminder of how much work is still to be done, as the legacies of slavery live on in our policing systems, carceral systems, housing segregation, inequalities of wealth and access to public goods, and more. 

TODAY & TOMORROW: Fair Share Amendment Campaign Launches



Calling all Boston area Fair Share Amendment supporters!

RSVP to attend the campaign launch for Fair Share in Boston tonight at 5 pm outside the Bolling Building (2300 Washington St) in Roxbury! 

Springfield & Western Mass!

Calling all Springfield are Fair Share Amendment supporters!

RSVP to attend the campaign launch tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6 pm outside Springfield City Hall. 

Anywhere & Everywhere! 

Don’t forget to sign a Fair Share pledge card!


WEDNESDAY: Driving Families Forward Hearing Watch Party 

Driving Families Forward

The Driving Families Forward Coalition will be hosting a virtual watch and action party for supporters and coalition partners from 2-4PM on Wednesday, June 23rd, during the bill’s hearing!

RSVP HERE to join.



Pass S1: For the People

Join us at the Freedom to Vote Rally on 6/26/21 at 2 – 3:30PM in the Boston Common! There is overwhelming public support for voting rights! Push the Senate to pass S.1 for the People Act.

Join Indivisible Mass Coalition, Swing Blue Alliance, NAACP-Boston, Common Cause MA, Progressive Mass, JALSA, Act on Mass, Free Speech for People, Mass Peace Action, TPS Alliance, Indivisible Acton Area & others at the Rally.

Your strong voice at this critical moment is essential. The fate of our democracy hangs in the balance. This rally is one of the thousands of events to be held across the country to demonstrate massive grassroots support of the For the People Act.

Voter suppression has a disproportionate impact on voters of color. The Boston Freedom to Vote rally will coincide with the arrival in Washington D.C. of the Freedom Ride bus tour. This bus tour, organized by Black Voters Matter, commemorates the 60th anniversary of the original Freedom Ride movement as a means to unite voters in the fight to protect voting rights. We cannot let legislators continue to strip away voting rights, particularly impacting Black voters.

To meet this moment, we are assembling all the supports that are needed, including event marshals and peacekeepers, water stations, medical support and a fully equipped stage with a state of the art sound system. If you can volunteer, please email debi.cpaul@gmail.com.

Hope to see you this week!

When the Right to Vote Is Under Attack

Join us at the Freedom to Vote Rally on 6/26/21 at 2 – 3:30PM in the Boston Common! There is overwhelming public support for voting rights! Push the Senate to pass S.1 for the People Act.

Join Indivisible Mass Coalition, Swing Blue Alliance, NAACP-Boston, Common Cause MA, Progressive Mass, JALSA, Act on Mass, Free Speech for People, Mass Peace Action, TPS Alliance, Indivisible Acton Area & others at the Rally.

Your strong voice at this critical moment is essential. The fate of our democracy hangs in the balance. This rally is one of the thousands of events to be held across the country to demonstrate massive grassroots support of the For the People Act.

Voter suppression has a disproportionate impact on voters of color. The Boston Freedom to Vote rally will coincide with the arrival in Washington D.C. of the Freedom Ride bus tour. This bus tour, organized by Black Voters Matter, commemorates the 60th anniversary of the original Freedom Ride movement as a means to unite voters in the fight to protect voting rights. We cannot let legislators continue to strip away voting rights, particularly impacting Black voters.

To meet this moment, we are assembling all the supports that are needed, including event marshals and peacekeepers, water stations, medical support and a fully equipped stage with a state of the art sound system. If you can volunteer, please email debi.cpaul@gmail.com.

Next Wednesday @ 6 PM: Democracy Denied Town Hall 

A town hall discussion on hyper-incarceration’s effect on political power, and the movement to ensure democracy does not stop at prisons and jails.

Presented by the Democracy Behind Bars Coalition, Senator Adam Hinds, and Representatives Tyler and Miranda

RSVP here.