Progressive Mass Trivia Night 2021

Missing the in-person parties of the weekend of the Democratic Party convention? Missing in-person parties in general?

Well, don’t let that deter you from having a good time! Join us for a trivia night and fundraiser.

Show off your knowledge of Massachusetts as well as MA pop culture and politics with fun questions — and even more fun prizes.

Reserve a ticket today!

Progressive Mass Trivia Night 2021

Friday, September 24, 7:30 pm to 9 pm

Zoom (link upon RSVP)

$25 per person

$100 per a group of 5 tickets

$100 to sponsor a question

Book Talk: Lily Geismer and Tracy O’Connell Novick on “Don’t Blame Us”

In her book Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, Lily Geismer traces the evolution of modern liberalism by focusing on the suburban organizing along the high-tech corridor of Route 128 around Boston in the 1950s and 1960s. Surveying political fights around fair housing, education, war/peace, and land use, Geismer explores both the possibilities and limitations of such organizing, with important lessons for activists of today.

What can we learn about the political landscape in our state, and how can the history of such organizing inform our work today? We invited Worcester School Committee Member Tracy O’Connell Novick to facilitate a discussion with Geismer. Check it out!

Book Talk with Lily Geismer, Author of “Don’t Blame Us”

In her book Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, Lily Geismer traces the evolution of modern liberalism by focusing on the suburban organizing along the high-tech corridor of Route 128 around Boston in the 1950s and 1960s. Surveying political fights around fair housing, education, war/peace, and land use, Geismer explores both the possibilities and limitations of such organizing, with important lessons for activists of today.

What can we learn about the political landscape in our state, and how can the history of such organizing inform our work today? Worcester School Committee Member Tracy O’Connell Novick will facilitate the discussion.

RSVP here.

There’s a LOT Going on This Week

This past weekend marked the first time that Juneteenth was recognized as a federal holiday.

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration of the end of slavery, with its date stemming from when the Union General Gordon Granger formally announced enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Galveston, Texas.

Juneteenth is a day to celebrate, but also a reminder of how much work is still to be done, as the legacies of slavery live on in our policing systems, carceral systems, housing segregation, inequalities of wealth and access to public goods, and more. 

TODAY & TOMORROW: Fair Share Amendment Campaign Launches



Calling all Boston area Fair Share Amendment supporters!

RSVP to attend the campaign launch for Fair Share in Boston tonight at 5 pm outside the Bolling Building (2300 Washington St) in Roxbury! 

Springfield & Western Mass!

Calling all Springfield are Fair Share Amendment supporters!

RSVP to attend the campaign launch tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6 pm outside Springfield City Hall. 

Anywhere & Everywhere! 

Don’t forget to sign a Fair Share pledge card!


WEDNESDAY: Driving Families Forward Hearing Watch Party 

Driving Families Forward

The Driving Families Forward Coalition will be hosting a virtual watch and action party for supporters and coalition partners from 2-4PM on Wednesday, June 23rd, during the bill’s hearing!

RSVP HERE to join.



Pass S1: For the People

Join us at the Freedom to Vote Rally on 6/26/21 at 2 – 3:30PM in the Boston Common! There is overwhelming public support for voting rights! Push the Senate to pass S.1 for the People Act.

Join Indivisible Mass Coalition, Swing Blue Alliance, NAACP-Boston, Common Cause MA, Progressive Mass, JALSA, Act on Mass, Free Speech for People, Mass Peace Action, TPS Alliance, Indivisible Acton Area & others at the Rally.

Your strong voice at this critical moment is essential. The fate of our democracy hangs in the balance. This rally is one of the thousands of events to be held across the country to demonstrate massive grassroots support of the For the People Act.

Voter suppression has a disproportionate impact on voters of color. The Boston Freedom to Vote rally will coincide with the arrival in Washington D.C. of the Freedom Ride bus tour. This bus tour, organized by Black Voters Matter, commemorates the 60th anniversary of the original Freedom Ride movement as a means to unite voters in the fight to protect voting rights. We cannot let legislators continue to strip away voting rights, particularly impacting Black voters.

To meet this moment, we are assembling all the supports that are needed, including event marshals and peacekeepers, water stations, medical support and a fully equipped stage with a state of the art sound system. If you can volunteer, please email

Hope to see you this week!

When the Right to Vote Is Under Attack

Join us at the Freedom to Vote Rally on 6/26/21 at 2 – 3:30PM in the Boston Common! There is overwhelming public support for voting rights! Push the Senate to pass S.1 for the People Act.

Join Indivisible Mass Coalition, Swing Blue Alliance, NAACP-Boston, Common Cause MA, Progressive Mass, JALSA, Act on Mass, Free Speech for People, Mass Peace Action, TPS Alliance, Indivisible Acton Area & others at the Rally.

Your strong voice at this critical moment is essential. The fate of our democracy hangs in the balance. This rally is one of the thousands of events to be held across the country to demonstrate massive grassroots support of the For the People Act.

Voter suppression has a disproportionate impact on voters of color. The Boston Freedom to Vote rally will coincide with the arrival in Washington D.C. of the Freedom Ride bus tour. This bus tour, organized by Black Voters Matter, commemorates the 60th anniversary of the original Freedom Ride movement as a means to unite voters in the fight to protect voting rights. We cannot let legislators continue to strip away voting rights, particularly impacting Black voters.

To meet this moment, we are assembling all the supports that are needed, including event marshals and peacekeepers, water stations, medical support and a fully equipped stage with a state of the art sound system. If you can volunteer, please email

Next Wednesday @ 6 PM: Democracy Denied Town Hall 

A town hall discussion on hyper-incarceration’s effect on political power, and the movement to ensure democracy does not stop at prisons and jails.

Presented by the Democracy Behind Bars Coalition, Senator Adam Hinds, and Representatives Tyler and Miranda

RSVP here. 

Our 2021 Annual Member Meeting: Videos & Slides

2021 Member Meeting

Thank you to everyone who joined us earlier this month for our 2021 annual member meeting!

We were not able to record every breakout session, but we do have recordings for five of them, which you can watch on our YouTube page

You can also view the slides from the three presenters for the “What the COVID Pandemic Reveals about Our State Government” breakout.

And the slides from the “Massachusetts Budget Dilemma: Wealthy State, Inequitable Services” breakout:

Progressive Mass 2021 Annual Member Meeting

2021 Member Meeting

Mark your calendars and RSVP now to join with other grassroots activists from across the state on Saturday, March 13, as we gather to:

  • hone our skills;
  • deepen our knowledge;
  • connect with fellow activists; and
  • be rejuvenated by our own successes and those of others!

WHAT: Time to Spring Forward: Progressive Mass Annual Member Meeting

WHEN: Saturday, March 13, 2pm to 5pm

WHERE: Zoom (info to come soon)

HOW: The meeting is free for all dues-paying members of Progressive Mass. Not yet a member? Become one today!

Let us know you’re coming. RSVP now.

What’s on the Agenda

We’ll be providing some updates about the organization, electing some new board members, and having breakout sessions on a wide range of key topics, such as:

  • Beacon Hill 101
  • What’s Wrong With the Massachusetts State House — and How Can We Fix It?
  • The Massachusetts Budget Dilemma: Wealthy State, Inequitable Services
  • Housing for All: Tackling the Affordable Housing and Evictions Crises
  • What the COVID Pandemic Reveals about Our Government
  • Police Reform: What Happened, and What’s Next?
  • Biden is President Now, So Why Are Massachusetts Immigrants Still at Risk?
  • Building a Green & Equitable 21st Century Infrastructure
  • Redistricting 101
  • Progressive Mass Q&A

There will be two periods of breakout sessions for the afternoon.

Breakouts 1

Beacon Hill 101

Facilitator: Jonathan Cohn

How does a bill become a law anyway? What is the timeline of the legislative process, and where are the best opportunities to engage? We’ll discuss the in’s & out’s of the legislative process and what that means for our work in the coming year.


What’s Wrong With the Massachusetts State House — and How Can We Fix It?


  • Jonathan Hecht, former State Representative (2009-2020)
  • Galen Hall and Trevor Culhane – Co-authors of “Who’s Delaying Climate Action in Massachusetts? Twelve Findings” (CSSN Research Report 2021), Institute for Environment and Society, Brown University

Facilitators: Margaret Heitz and Leslie Greffenius 

Every system is perfectly designed for the results that it gets. And if we aren’t seeing the progressive policy we want to see in the MA State House, at least part of that is structural. What are the structural impediments to passing progressive policy in the MA State House? What role do a lack of transparency and an over-centralization play, and how can we change both the culture and the outcomes? What can we learn from other states?


The Massachusetts Budget Dilemma: Wealthy State, Inequitable Services

Speaker: Monique Ching, Policy Analyst at Mass Budget

Facilitator: Rachel Poliner

Massachusetts is one of the wealthiest states in the country. So why do we continually fail to invest in our education, transportation, and health care systems to the extent we need? How has the pandemic made existing budget inequities worse, and how can we fight for a budget that serves community needs and reflects our values?


What the COVID Pandemic Reveals about Our Government


  • Mike Hugo, Director of Government Affairs of Mass Association of Health Boards
  • Carlene Pavlos, Executive Director of the Mass Public Health Association
  • Roberto Jiménez Rivera, Chelsea School Committeeman and political organizer at the Boston Teachers Union

Facilitator: John Kyriakis

The vaccine rollout in Massachusetts has been a disaster for everyone, but it has been particularly devastating to the communities of color who have already been disproportionately sickened and killed by the virus. Meanwhile, Gov. Baker continues to cater to the interests of the business community, opening the state prematurely, and calling for the opening of schools without adequately vaccinating teachers and staff. What pre-existing inequities has COVID brought to light, and how can we ensure an equitable response now and an equitable recovery and government beyond? 


Police Reform: What Happened and What’s Next?


  • Oami Amarasingham, Deputy Legislative Director at ACLU of Massachusetts
  • Felicia Sullivan, Chair of Watertown’s Police Reform Coalition, Watertown Police Reform

Facilitator: Caroline Bays

The MA Legislature recently passed an omnibus police reform bill. What made it in, and what didn’t? How can we continue the fight for police accountability and a community-centered vision of public safety at both the state and local levels?


Breakouts 2

Housing for All: Tackling the Affordable Housing and Evictions Crises


  • State Rep. Nika Elugardo 
  • Karen Chen, Executive Director of the Chinese Progressive Association 
  • Isaac Simon Hodes, Director of Lynn United for Change 

Facilitator: Etel Haxhiaj

Massachusetts has one of the highest qualities of life in the US, but with some of the least affordable housing, it is out of reach for too many. Housing instability was already widespread pre-COVID, and the pandemic has brought it to dangerous levels. How can we deliver on the promise of housing for all?


Biden is President Now, So Why Are Massachusetts Immigrants Still at Risk?


  • Laura Rotolo, Staff Counsel and Community Advocate, ACLU Massachusetts
  • Dalida Rocha, Political Director, SEIU Local 615
  • Brenda Quintana, Immigrant Worker Center Organizer, Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health

Facilitators: Leslie Greffenius and Zayda Ortiz 

Relieved by the election of a new president in November, many assume that  undocumented immigrants in Massachusetts are no longer at risk. But the previous administration was merely a wakeup call; undocumented immigrants in Massachusetts have, for decades, been particularly susceptible to wage theft and other crimes, domestic abuse, and family separation. And when immigrants are unsafe, it turns out, we are all less safe. This session will explore the reasons for the situation we are in and some of the bills that will help Massachusetts chart a safer course.


Building a Green & Equitable 21st Century Infrastructure


  • Cabell Eames, Legislative Manager for 350 Mass/Better Future Project
  • Jarred Johnson, Chief Operating Officer at Transit Matters
  • Yanisa Techagumthorn, Electoral Team Lead at Sunrise Boston and Associate Transportation Planner at Nelson\Nygaard Consulting 

Facilitator: Jonathan Cohn

Over the past year, we’ve seen both the beauty of car-free streets and the ugliness of disinvestment from public transit. And in the omnibus climate bill that the Legislature will finalize any day now, transportation is notably missing. What steps should we be taking to bring our infrastructure into the 21st century and to ensure that equity is at the forefront?


What to Expect (and Fight for) in Redistricting in MA 


  • Beth Huang, Executive Director of Mass Voter Table 
  • Avi Green, Senior Advisor at the New School 
  • Rahsaan Hall from the ACLU

Moderator: Ziba Cranmer 

This year, Massachusetts will be redrawing the borders of state legislative and Congressional districts. What does the process look like? How can we ensure that underrepresented communities are able to make their voices heard, and what lessons can we learn from the last redistricting cycle? 


Progressive Mass Q&A

Facilitator: Rachel Poliner

Curious about chapters, committees, finances, etc? Have ideas for events, fundraisers, building up for 2022? Come with your questions and ideas. 

Safe Communities: We had the numbers; where was the courage? Video from Progressive Needham

John Kirk from Progressive Needham reminds us at least week’s #WednesdayWitness that the legislature already has the votes to pass #SafeCommunitiesAct but they lack the will and the leadership to have done so.

For the sake of the children separated from families and for the safety of undocumented citizens who are our neighbors,in order to #KeepFamiliesTogether let’s demand from our representatives that they make this the first order of business when they re-convene in January 2019.

Why Criminal Justice Reform Matters: Watertown Hosts a Public Forum

By Heather Busk, Progressive Watertown

In recent years, Massachusetts has made some progress on criminal justice reform, including the legalization of marijuana, the reduction of sentences for some drug related crimes, and raising the age of juvenile jurisdiction to 18. However, the work is far from finished, so to inform us of what is at stake and about pending legislation, Progressive Watertown, Progressive Newton, Jobs Not Jails, and Watertown Citizens for Black Lives cosponsored the public forum “Why Criminal Justice Reform Matters.” It was held Saturday, May 6th, at the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church.

The moderator, Richard Marcus, framed the discussion by pointing out the connection between race and mass incarceration. Partly due to the war on drugs, the prison population has climbed even as the violent crime rate has dropped, and 40% of that population is black. A black baby born today has a one in three chance of someday being incarcerated. America’s original sin is racism, and its taint is far from gone.

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 1

Allen Epstein of GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization) continued this theme. Although Massachusetts has the second lowest rate of incarceration in the nation, it still has a higher rate than only ten other countries in the world. There has been a 26% drop in violent crime since 1980, yet the prison population has more than doubled, attributable to the war on drugs, racial bias, and draconian sentencing laws. African Americans are represented in the prison population at a rate two- to three-times higher than in the general population.

This harshness stands in stark contrast to his belief that all people are born good. Bad behavior is the result of a lifetime of hurts, and rehabilitation is possible. It is far better to use an approach such as restorative justice, where perpetrators, victims, and community members are brought together to achieve reconciliation and healing.

There are some grounds for hope. Criminal justice reform can be a bipartisan issue, because conservatives can also get behind it in support of fairness and cost savings. As evidence of progress, he cited the recent unanimous passage of legislation that repealed automatic driver’s license suspension for drug related convictions, and removed the $500 fee and up to 5 year delay for license reinstatement. 

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 2

James Mackey shared how mass incarceration had impacted his family. On December 2, 1982 his 19 year old father was sentenced to 60 years to life in prison, and told that he would never get out. His mother was a few months pregnant with him. What did this do to his mother, having to cope with this?  Later his younger brother went to prison at the age of 17. What does it do to a community to have so many missing fathers, so many missing brothers? He was six years old when he was first told he would grow up to be just like his father. If so, then that meant he should be bad, right? His brother took that message to heart and like many people around him, internalized the many troubles his neighborhood faced.

These experiences led him to form Stuck on Replay, which works to bring the voices of the people most affected by mass incarceration into the conversation about reform. As he put it, if you’re not at the table, you’re on the table. Stuck on Replay holds public forums to give people a space to talk about their experiences. It is also pushing to repeal the exception clause (also called the punishment clause) of the 13th Amendment. Because of this amendment, slavery is illegal, except as punishment for a crime. While outright slavery has been banned by the courts, prisons still use the clause to make a handsome profit off the often involuntary labor of inmates, who are paid a pittance for their work.

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 3

Caroline Bays read a compilation of two letters from an inmate she has been visiting. Andrew has been held in solitary confinement for over 6 months, and was recently sentenced to 4 years of solitary, all from one incident when he had a mental breakdown. He wrote of the psychological struggle of life in segregation. You can read it below.

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 4

Cassandra Bensahih of EPOCA (Ex-Prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement) shared her story of addiction and incarceration. When she was 19 years old, she nearly died from being shot by a .22 caliber rifle. In the hospital she was given pain medication, and after the pills ran out, she turned to alcohol and cocaine to numb the pain. This led to 20 years of addiction and eventually her arrest. Hers is not an uncommon story. In her community, though dealing with such violence, the effects of racism (she grew up during bus desegregation), and other traumas, there was no therapy available. Instead, people learned to push it down or self medicate. She did not get help, and with a father who was an alcoholic, the dice were loaded against her.

Her arrest did not impact only her: she is a mother. As the number of incarcerated women continues to grow (most of whom have mental health or substance abuse issues), more and more mothers and children too will face separation.

Looking back, she questioned if it had really been better for her daughters to lose the home where they were cared for and loved, though it was the home of an addict. While she was in prison, her daughters went through 17 different foster homes, where they faced emotional neglect and sexual abuse. When standing in front of the judge, she begged him to let her get help, to not be separated from her daughters. His response? You should have thought of that before you took up drugs.

As she fiercely declared, it’s wrong to think that it’s ok to lock people up, yet feel no obligation to rehabilitate them. Surely we can do better than such callous indifference. The Caregiver Bill will reform how we treat families in this situation, by providing alternatives to incarceration, such as drug treatment programs or mental health care. She imagined how different life would have been if rather than being locked up and her daughters sent to live with uncaring strangers, she had gotten help for her trauma and her addiction. Instead, recovery had to wait until prison, where a pastor taught her to pray and to free her mind even while her body was incarcerated. After her release, EPOCA found her. Simply being told that other people cared about someone like her helped her continue to recover. By working with them, she learned about leadership skills she didn’t know she had. As she noted, “People don’t heal by themselves, they heal with the help of their community.”

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan mused that prosecutors are generally not at events like this one, but her 40 years of experience in the justice system has taught her the importance of preventing crime, rather than simply punishing it. Middlesex County has a number of innovative programs aimed at achieving just that. Childhood trauma, such as the drug overdose of a parent, is known to often lead to addiction or incarceration later on. It can start as soon as the next day, when the bereaved child returns to school and acts out. The school staff may know nothing about what is triggering the behavior, and may respond not compassionately but punitively, perhaps even setting the child on the first step of the school to prison pipeline.

Project C.A.R.E. was set up in the Lowell area to help stop such cycles of trouble. When police, fire, or EMTs find that a child is impacted by an opioid overdose, they contact the Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell, who will coordinate with DCF, mental health professionals, family members, and schools to make sure that the child gets the care they need to cope with trauma.

Middlesex County also has a number of pre-trial diversion and treatment programs for juveniles and young adults accused of a crime, as well as a restorative justice program. All of these programs reflect her conviction that when possible it is always a better remedy to provide therapy than to ensnare people in the system.

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 5

State Senator Will Brownsberger, as always, brought thoughtful insights and nuance into the discussion. He saw first hand the dangers of drugs when he lived in New York during the height of the crack epidemic–he was caught in police gun battles four separate times. Later, when blood testing became common, it was found that about 70% of those arrested had drugs in their body. Although legalization is fine for marijuana, for the harder drugs the question is more complicated, because of the very real harm they cause.

For a while he was an advocate for drug courts, where the threat of jail time would be used to force people to change–it seemed more humane than simply throwing people into prison. But when he finally began listening to addicts and others affected by these policies, he realized that incarceration was a blunt instrument. Even with drug courts, if you slip up once (which is part of the nature of addiction), you go back to prison, you lose your job and your girlfriend, and after losing all that, why not slip back into your old ways?

He noted that in the 1970s, as a nation we somehow shifted from the War on Poverty to the War on Drugs. The prison population ballooned as our sense of what was an appropriate punishment because much harsher. We know that even a single day in jail is harmful, so even a single extra day is too much.

The panelists were asked, what are their legislative priorities this year, and what are the challenges to getting these passed?

Cassandra believes the Caregiver Bill would help restore dignity to people, and give them the belief that they can make it. She also hopes to repeal mandatory minimums, which sometimes give longer punishments for low level offenses than for much more serious crimes. 

Marian commented that while Middlesex County is doing well, she would like to see a restorative justice approach spread throughout the state, especially into Western Massachusetts. She noted that there was not much opposition, but there are so many bills up for consideration that it’s hard to get enough attention to get it passed.

The panelists spoke in support of several other bills. Parole and pre-trial reform are needed, because imprisoning people before trial makes it hard for them to hold onto jobs and care for their families. As Allen noted, there should be a presumption of innocence, which means not punishing people before they are convicted.

The de-Criminalization of Poverty bill would help stop the downward spiral Will mentioned, where inability to pay court fines leads to jail time, which leads to job loss, which leads to more inability to pay. It also doesn’t make fiscal sense to pay the cost of jailing someone for not paying a small fine.

The use of solitary confinement should be limited. As Will pointed out, every further loss of privileges leads to worse outcomes after release, and solitary confinement is the ultimate loss of privileges. The Department of Correction and Houses of Correction currently set much of their own policy with regards to the use of solitary confinement and other disciplinary measures. The legislature can do much more to place some limits on this (for instance, the current maximum time in solitary is 10 years).

Reform of juvenile justice was another big discussion topic. There are several measures to support, including the Juvenile Justice Omnibus Bill, diversion programs for youthful offenders, and a bill to raise the age of juvenile jurisdiction from 18 to 21. There is much to do. As James mentioned, children can be convicted of a crime at the age of seven. The audience was visibly stunned by this revelation.

Mingling youth with adults is not a good idea, because they make easy targets in prison. Will said that the biggest thing we can do for reform is to change the age of juvenile jurisdiction. Whether a defendant is classified as an adult or a juvenile makes a huge difference in how they are treated, with the juvenile system much more rehabilitation-oriented. After all, the brains of young adults are not fully matured until well into their 20s, and we don’t even allow people to rent a car until they are 25.

There is a limit to what the legislature can do. There will always be a lot of discretion in the court system, because it is simply too complex to set laws for every situation. Who is put into various positions by the governor will have a large impact. However, the legislature sets fines and other punishments, so that is where reform can happen.

The last question was “what can we do?” James mentioned an upcoming event being held by Stuck on Replay next Saturday, May 13. They will screen part of the documentary 13th, and hold a discussion on the harmful effects of the exception clause. In general, the panelists encouraged us to educate ourselves, to join organizations working to bring about change, to call our legislators, and to urge our friends and family living in other parts of the state to do the same.

Watertown CJR Forum 2017 Photo 6

Richard ended by relating an experience he had. One time he called his legislator, asking why he hadn’t visibly supported some legislation that it seemed obvious he would support. The legislator replied that Richard was the first person to call and ask him to! The lesson here is that you should still contact your legislator, even if they support the same policies as you. With a multitude of bills to consider and limited time, legislators tend to support bills only if their constituents urge them to.

The panelists and organizers deserve a big thanks for putting on this wonderful event. It will hopefully, as Cassandra put it, help us become a community of change.

Andrew’s Words:

Our Own Worst Enemy

My name is Convict. That is who I have become. I am doing a long time for a crime that I didn’t commit, but in the eyes of my captors, my name remains Convict. I have been given the unique experience of seeing first hand a world that I would have never before imagined seeing: prison. 

Recent, I read a report about some changes that the department of corrections wished to implement, changes that would make the lives of convicts all the more difficult, that would make the lives of our loved ones more difficult. It is the latter of which that drove me to seek help, that woke me from the hopelessness that only loneliness knows. 

I’m slowly slipping into madness. If Hell had a place on Earth, it would be called segregation. Evolved from a place of peace and quiet, segregation has become a terrible experience of psychological and physical abuse. I have seen things that no young man should ever see, experienced things that no citizen would wish upon their worst enemy, and have had an intimate relationship with a kind of utter loneliness that, in the words of Kenneth Hodge, “Should never be forced on anyone that once knew freedom.” 

Violence begets violence, and suffering begets suffering; is there no end to that madness? Can one voice possibly be heard amidst the chaos? If so, then from one convict to the rest of the world, try peace over violence, for where there is one, there can be many. 

Somehow Hopeful, 


Watertown Hosts a Public Forum: What is the Role of the Media in a Democracy?

By Richard Marcus, Progressive Watertown

If you’re angry that Trump spewed lie after blatant lie during the election and yet somehow won, you’re not alone. As a candidate and now as President, Trump has consciously eroded trust in traditional news sources by wildly calling any unfavorable coverage “fake news”. Meanwhile actual fake news has some people convinced that Clinton was responsible for the murders of dozens of people, and that a pedophile ring was being run out of a pizza restaurant (also connected to the Clinton campaign, of course). Yes, really. During this election we’ve witnessed the alarming movement of conspiracy theories from the fringe to the mainstream.

Short of grabbing our Trump-befuddled friends and family members by the shoulders and shaking some sense into them, what can we do to fight this disinformation campaign? What can we do to prevent ourselves from being taken in by half-truths and outright lies, and what can the responsible journalists do to stop their propagation?

To get to some answers, Progressive Watertown hosted the public forum “What is the Role of the Media in our Democracy?” last Sunday, April 2nd.

The Watertown Free Public Library very kindly supplied the venue. The panel included David King of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Bruce Gellerman of WBUR, and Joshua Miller and Nick Osborne of the Boston Globe. They had a wide-ranging, lively discussion in front of an audience of over 100 people, including state senator Will Brownsberger and former state senator George Bachrach. Here are a few highlights from the discussion.

Prog Watertown 2017 Democracy Event

David King made some opening remarks about the changing nature of the media (demonstrated using Bruce Gellerman’s head). Before the last couple of decades, people got their news from just a few main sources. The need to reach a broad audience meant that it had to appeal to the middle, not the edges. Nowadays there are literally thousands of news sources-everything from traditional newspapers to random bloggers online-so media outlets compete intensely for an audience. One way to do this is to target stories and headlines to specific audiences, with sometimes starkly different viewpoints. People have had trouble dealing with so much conflicting information and so much uncertainty about who to trust. In the era of bottomless news feeds, it is no longer possible to read “all” of the news. People feel overwhelmed by the flood of information and tend to only go to sources that make them feel better, that confirm what they already believe, and tell them it will be alright. It’s harder for journalists to challenge our beliefs like they used to.

Nick Osborne spoke about the need to distinguish opinion pieces from impartial news-not everyone is good at making this distinction. When it was in a physical newspaper, you could have different opinions side by side. But now, online, people only see one opinion and don’t see the alternative view. He suggested online media sources can do more to make it clear when it’s an opinion piece.

The panelists were asked whether it is possible to get back to the older broadcast model (i.e. just a few reliable sources of news). WBUR is conducting an experiment to try this, using a multimedia strategy. Other media sources are watching to see how it turns out.

Josh Miller was asked how does the media consumption of politicians differ from the public? Much is the same, with politicians reading online news and using twitter. They have to pay attention to news coverage about themselves, for instance setting up Google alerts on their name. A big difference is in their point of view on the news. They consider how news may affect the public perception of their own policy positions. A study found that based on their social media behavior, politicians tend to be in really bad echo chambers, interacting only with like-minded sources, more so than the average public.

The discussion then turned to the responsibilities of the media.

Does the media have an obligation to present “the truth”? Bruce Gellerman was skeptical that journalists could write “truth”, i.e. be objective. He was unclear what being “balanced” meant. Balancing black vs white gives you gray, not the truth.

Josh Miller was more optimistic. He tries to be as objective as possible. Rather than inserting his opinions, he instead just presents the facts and lets readers reach their own conclusions.

Do journalists have an obligation to call out Trump’s lies? There has been debate among journalists over how strongly to call them out, such as whether to call them “falsehoods” or “lies”. Gellerman said he is comfortably calling them lies.

All of the panelists were very committed to publishing honest information. For instance, they have rules to get multiple sources to confirm a fact, especially if it’s controversial. Their editors challenge them to prove every word of what they create.

They did admit that journalists deserve some blame, because they helped Trump by giving him lots of attention. Some people are tuning out the news now because they are tired of hearing about Trump all the time. Stories about him also crowd out other important stories.

They gave a few suggestions of what we can do, as consumers of media.

Television is not a good news source, because there is too much information presented quickly for people to thoughtfully consider it.

Osborne urged people to avoid the fallacy that personal truth is equivalent to objective truth. He gave the example that one person might be friendly with some police officers, while another person is regularly stopped in traffic by the police. The two people will have very different views of law enforcement. You have to dig deeper than individual experience to get to the underlying reality, but many people don’t really understand the distinction.

Gellerman had some blunt words. We are the problem, not the media. What we read and watch determines what they publish. We share and believe based on whether the “news” makes us feel good, and confirms what we believe to be true. We don’t take the time to double check whether it’s actually true. So if we want to see less fake news, we should stop sharing it! This can be as simple as checking the story in more than one news source to make sure it’s legitimate. Conversely, if we want to see more quality journalism, we have to read and share quality journalism.

That segues nicely into their last piece of advice, which was:

We should support sources of legitimate news, for instance by subscribing to the Boston Globe, or by donating to WBUR.

A big thank you to everyone who attended, to the organizers, and to the panelists for their wonderful discussion! You all made it a great event!