MA House and Senate Vote to Strengthen State’s Equal Pay Law

Massachusetts was the first state in the US to pass an equal pay law, all the way back in 1945, and the Legislature updated it in 2016 to prohibit employers from asking job applicants for salary history, prohibit employers from banning discussion of wage information, and require equal pay for comparable work.

But gender- and race-based pay gaps continue to exist in the workplace, and the House and Senate have taken action to strengthen the equal pay in response.

The Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act, named after the first female Secretary of Labor in the US, would require employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested.

It would also require covered employers with 100 or more employees to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. You can’t fix the inequities you do not see.

Earlier this month, on October 4, the House voted 148 to 8 to pass this bill.

The 8 NOs were all Republicans: Donnie Berthiaume (R-Spencer), Nicholas Boldyga (R-Southwick), David DeCoste (R-Norwell), Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica), Kelly Pease (R-Westfield), Michael Soter (R-Bellingham), Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R-Abington), and Steven Xiarhos (R-Barnstable).

Yesterday (October 19), the Senate voted 39 to 1 to pass the bill, with the sole NO being Republican Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton).

MA House Votes 120 to 38 to Strengthen State’s Gun Laws

Last year, the right-wing US Supreme Court weakened states’ ability to pass strong gun safety laws by blocking New York’s handgun licensing law. At the end of last session, the MA Legislature passed legislation to ensure that MA’s gun laws would be compliant with the Supreme Court ruling, protecting them from legal challenge, but the situation also showed that the moment was ripe for revisiting how to strengthen MA’s gun laws overall.

Governor Deval Patrick signed a gun control omnibus package back in 2014, and an extreme risk protection order (ERPO), or “red flag,” bill was passed in 2018, allowing family members, housemates, and law enforcement officials to file temporary firearms restrictions in civil court. But there is more work to do.

As a result of impressive advocacy from the Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action, and other groups, and the commitment of House Judiciary Chair Mike Day, the House passed a comprehensive gun violence prevention bill this Wednesday that continues MA’s leadership on this issue.

Among other steps, the bill does the following:

  • Strengthens MA’s assault weapons ban by expanding it to cover more firearms
  • Raises the age for possession of a semi-automatic long gun (rifle or shotgun) to 21
  • Prohibits all machine gun conversion devices or devices that increase the rate of fire of firearms
  • Cracks down on ghost guns by requiring that all firearms manufactured, assembled, possessed, purchased, or transferred into MA be serialized
  • Prohibits firearms in government buildings, polling places, and educational institutions, including higher education, and prohibits firearms on private property without express permission or signage
  • Expands the list of individuals eligible to file an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) to include licensed healthcare providers, school administrators, and employers
  • Strengthens data collection on firearms and firearm crimes
  • Establishes commissions to study the funding structure for community-based violence prevention services and the feasibility of microstamping (which imprints a unique identifier on bullet casings to help identify the gun used in specific incident) and smart gun technology (which includes various measures to ensure that only the rightful owner is using a gun, e.g., a thumb screen)

The final vote was 120 to 38.

Joining Republicans in voting against it were Democrats Shirley Arriaga (D-Chicopee), Brian Ashe (D-Longmeadow), Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Pat Haddad (D-Somerset), Kathy LaNatra (D-Kingston), Christopher Markey (D-Dartmouth), Rady Mom (D-Lowell), David Robertson (D-Tewksbury), Aaron Saunders (D-Belchertown), Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop), and Jonathan Zlotnik (D-Gardner).

Democrats Pat Kearney (D-Scituate) and John Rogers (D-Norwood) were not present.

Here’s How Your State Senator Voted in the Tax Reform Debate

Sunlight - Beacon Hill

Earlier tonight, the MA Senate passed a $586 million tax reform package. As I noted earlier today, the MA Senate’s tax reform package was a much better proposal than the House’s:

  • The Senate bill rejects the proposed $117 million tax cut for day traders and speculators proposed by Gov. Healey and passed by the MA House in April. Notably, both chambers rejected this idea last year when Governor Baker proposed it.
  • The Senate bill rejected a $79 million corporate tax giveaway that the House back in April with no public debate.
  • The Senate bill offers a less expensive and less regressive cut to the estate tax than either Governor Healey or the MA House. Unfortunately, every estate tax proposal includes tax cuts for the largest estates rather than limiting them to more modest estates subject to the tax.

During the debate, the Senate voted to protect the Fair Share victory from last year by closing tax loopholes and defeating attempts to give more tax cuts to the rich; however, the Senate unfortunately also rejected an attempt to improve our state’s response to the affordable housing crisis.


The Senate voted 33 to 5 for an amendment from Sen. Jason Lewis to close a joint filing loophole that could have led to the loss of $200 million of Fair Share revenue each year. It would have required couples that jointly file their federal taxes to do so in Massachusetts as well. Without this technical change, Massachusetts would remain the only state with an additional tax code for higher incomes without either an incentive for couples to file jointly or a prohibition against their filing separately. Such a loophole would encourage tax avoidance through the illegal misattribution of income.

Two Democrats–Sen. Barry Finegold of Andover and Sen. Michael Moore of Millbury–joined the 3 Republicans in voting no.

The Senate defeated, by a vote of 32 to 5, a proposed Republican tax giveaway to day traders and speculators. Only Barry Finegold (D-Andover), Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and the three Republicans voted for it.

The Senate defeated, by a vote of 33 to 5, a regressive and fiscally irresponsible Republican attempt to raise the estate tax threshold to $5 million, which would have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to such multi-million-dollar estates. Only Nick Collins (D-South Boston) and Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and the three Republicans voted for it.

The Senate defeated, by a vote of 32 to 6, a second Republican effort to erode the revenue raised by the estate tax. Only Nick Collins (D-South Boston), Walter Timilty (D-Milton), John Velis (D-Westfield), and the three Republicans voted for it.


The Senate’s tax package expands the Housing Development Incentive Program, which provides millions in state tax credits and local tax breaks for developers of market-rate housing in Gateway cities. However, the units built through these incentives can be shockingly expensive, and incentives often go to areas that are already attractive to developers.

According to an analysis from the Mass Law Reform Institute, more than half of HDIP funds go to only five of the 26 Gateway cities, only 2% of HDIP units are affordable, and rents routinely exceed prevailing wages and prices. We need to build more housing, but our public dollars should be going toward affordable housing if we want to meaningfully address our housing crisis.

In response, Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) offered an amendment to create basic affordability standards for HDIP projects: a requirement that at least 20% of the units created in any HDIP-funded project be permanently affordable.

Despite our large Democratic supermajority, the commonsense amendment was defeated 30 to 9.

If your senator was one of the 9 who stood up to Senate Leadership to vote yes, make sure to thank them.

MA House Votes 150-3 for Regressive Tax Package

Last November, voters sent a message by voting for the Fair Share Amendment: the rich should pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure. For years, the Legislature has used the line “We don’t have the money” to justify inaction and underinvestment; we got them the money.

But on Thursday, the MA House made clear that they plan to give money right back to the rich and large corporations by passing a tax cut package filled with giveaways to the richest residents of the Commonwealth. Last year, many representatives were quite clear that they intended for the new revenue from the Fair Share Amendment to be fully additive, rather than backfilling cuts. Even though the House laid out promising and important uses for the constitutionally dedicated funds, voters should wonder how much legislators believe their own pledges given the permanent tax cuts they just passed.

The vote was 150 to 3, with only Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge), Rep. Dan Sena (D-Acton), and Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D-Somerville) voting no.

Almost half of the cost of their tax proposal comes from the three regressive tax cuts:

  • A $231 million cut to the estate tax designed to disproportionately benefit the wealthiest estates
  • A $130 million cut for day traders and speculators by cutting the short-term capital gains tax
  • A $79 million tax cut for the state’s largest corporations through what is called “single sales factor apportionment”

Think of all that we could do with $440 million if instead we invested it in our public transit systems, in education, in child care, in climate resilience, in affordable housing, or in health care. Indeed, tackling our housing crisis should be the #1 priority if legislators actually cared about the goals of “affordability” and “competitiveness.” By passing such regressive tax cuts, the House is disrespecting the will of the voters, and they are setting Massachusetts up for brutal cuts when the next recession hits.

Even the less regressive parts of the tax package could go further if invested in robust social programs. The House bill would spend $40 million on an increase in the Renters Deduction from $3,000 to $4,000. However, this in reality, only yields to a tax credit of up to $50 for eligible renters. An extra $50 in the pocket of renters ultimately won’t go very far, given escalating rents and costs in general. As Rep. Mike Connolly pointed out, the state could have used the same money to guarantee all renters access to legal counsel in eviction cases, a measure with far lasting benefits.

The largest part of the tax package is the child and family tax credit, which would amount to $600 per child under 13 or dependent adult and cost $487 million. As I noted before, it is unclear why parents of teenagers should not get the same benefit: any parent of a teenager will tell you how much it costs to feed a teenager. Families with low and middle incomes will certainly benefit from extra money in their pocket, but $600 will not last long given that two weeks of child care costs more than that. The credit thus does little to address the real drivers of the cost of living in Massachusetts, even if it can help around the edges.

A more progressive part of the House’s tax package that was not in the Governor’s proposal was the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which would benefit about 396,000 taxpayers with incomes under $57,000, and would cost $91 million. However, it is important to remember that the EITC was originally a conservative proposal, born of opposition to a strong minimum wage and a robust safety net.

According to Mass Budget, we could make all public colleges and universities in the state tuition-free — or make all community colleges debt-free — for approximately $1 billion. State legislators would demand that such a proposal be funded. So why shouldn’t their tax expenditures have to be funded as well?

The 2021-2022 Legislative Session is Now Over. Here’s Our Scorecard.

Last Tuesday marked the end of the 192nd Legislative Session (2021-2022) in Massachusetts. New and returning legislators were sworn in, and soon, bills will be filed, committees assigned, etc., etc.

But before diving into the new session, let’s take a look back at the one that just passed with our Final 192nd Session Legislator Scorecard.

How did your legislators do? Find out by visiting our scorecard website here, or looking at the charts on our website (here & here).

Our Honor Roll

Six returning legislators — 3 state senators and 3 state reps — had As on our scorecard for the past session.

The 3 senators were Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton), Sen. Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville), and Sen. Becca Rausch (D-Needham).

192nd Session Senate Honor Roll

The 3 representatives were Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge), Rep. Dan Sena (D-Acton), and Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D-Somerville).

192nd Session Senate Honor Roll

Some Quick Stats

  • We scored 31 votes in the House and 38 in the Senate, as well as scoring
    public support for the Massachusetts State House Employee Union.
  • In the Massachusetts House of Representatives, there is a strong dynamic of legislators voting lockstep with the speaker. We can see that in this session, as 45 other Democrats (more than one-third of the caucus) have the exact same score as Speaker Ron Mariano (D-Quincy).
  • Three Democrats in the House had Fs on our scorecard: Rep. Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Rep. Dave Robertson (D-Tewksbury), and Rep. Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop).
  • Although Rep. Garry was the lowest-scoring Democrat at 38%, she was still higher than the highest-scoring House Republicans, who all had only 28%.
  • Five Democrats in the Senate had Fs on our scorecard: Sen. Michael Moore (D-Auburn), Sen. John Velis (D-Westfield), Sen. Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), Sen. Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and Sen. Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton).
  • Although Pacheco was the lowest-scoring Democrat at 44%, he was still higher than the highest-scoring Republican, Sen. Patrick O’Connor (R-Weymouth) at 33%

We are looking forward to the new legislative session. At the end of the day, legislators decide what votes we can score by what recorded votes they request and what bills they advance. May the new session be one filled with progressive legislative action.

2022 MA House Scorecard: The Rest of the Session in Review

PM Scorecard graphic

A scorecard, as we like to say, should tell a story. And telling that story requires careful attention. 

As we analyzed recorded votes since our mid-term scorecard update, we focused on votes that advance our Legislative Agenda / Progressive Platform and, importantly, highlight a contrast between legislators. 

Because of that, we shy away from including many unanimous votes: before any unanimous vote, there are often many legislators putting up roadblocks along the way, as well as concessions made to achieve broader support. Moreover, in a case of unanimity, a recorded vote is motivated more by legislators’ desires for a good press release than anything else (if there’s a time to voice vote, it would be then). No scorecard can ever fully capture such behind-the-scenes jockeying, but setting a high bar before including a unanimous vote helps. 

See our full scorecard here or on

False Solutions for Rising Inflation  

In the wake of rising inflation, conservatives in the state and nationally started pushing for suspending or even eliminating the gas tax. Such a move does not get at the root of the commodity speculation pushing the price increase and drains revenue that could be used to address the true cost drivers. More forward-thinking policymakers embraced free public transit as a way to address rising costs (see, for example, Connecticut). Republicans roll-called an amendment to suspend the gas tax during the budget debate in April, and fortunately, it failed 32 to 124 (26h). Only Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Dave Roberson (D-Tewksbury), Alan Silvia (D-Fall River), and Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop) joined Republicans in voting for it. 

Reproductive Justice 

Although the Legislature often claims that it cannot act quickly, at times it can, and the Legislature responded quickly to the Dobbs ruling by passing a follow-up bill to last session’s ROE Act. The new bill established critical protections for Bay Staters who provide or help someone access reproductive health care and gender-affirming care, requiring insurance to cover abortion and abortion-related care, and other important measures supporting reproductive justice and bodily autonomy. It passed overwhelmingly 136 to 17, with only 6 Democrats and 11 Republicans voting against it (27h). Notably, this was a much larger margin than the ROE Act last session, which just cleared the two-thirds threshold for an override of Governor Baker’s veto. The Democrats who opposed the bill were Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Russell Holmes (D-Mattapan), John Rogers (D-Norwood), Alan Silvia (D-Fall River), Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop), and Bud Williams (D-Springfield).

Tackling the Climate Crisis 

Back in March, the House passed a bill to accelerate the development of the offshore wind industry. The bill contained many important provisions, but was narrow in scope given the scale of the climate crisis. We chose to score the final conferenced climate bill that the House and Senate passed in July. Entitled An Act driving clean energy and offshore wind, that bill took steps to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, modernize the grid, make green jobs accessible to the communities most in need, require large buildings to report energy usage, improve electric car infrastructure and affordability, and require electrification of public fleets. It passed 143 to 9, with opposition coming from Democrat Colleen Garry (D-Dracut) and 8 Republicans (28h). 

Public Safety Done Right 

Just as the Legislature acted quickly to respond to the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion rights, the Legislature also acted quicky to respond to the Supreme Court’s assault on gun violence prevention by passing a bill to harmonize MA’s gun safety laws with the ruling as well as requiring law enforcement officials to conduct personal interviews with anyone seeking to apply for a firearm license and banning anyone facing a restraining order from getting a license. It passed on a largely party line vote of 120 to 33 (29h). Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Rady Mom (D-Lowell), Dave Robertson (D-Tewksbury), Paul Schmid (D-Westport), and Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop) joined Republicans in opposition. 

After the House and Senate passed a measure to end the predatory practice of charging incarcerated individuals exorbitant costs to connect with their loved ones (No Cost Calls), Governor Baker threatened to veto it unless the Legislature also passed his “dangerousness bill,” an expansion of pre-trial detention (i.e., when individuals are incarcerated without yet being convicted of a crime) with few if any safeguards. Despite being touted as a victims’ rights bill, the proposal was opposed by Jane Doe, Inc., who argued that the bill would be harmful for the survivors they serve. Thankfully, the House rejected Baker’s measure, voting it down 31 to 122 (31h). If only the Senate had as well (but that’s another story). Four Democrats joined Republicans in siding with Baker: Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Dave Robertson (D-Tewksbury), Paul Tucker (D-Salem), and Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop). 

Labor Solidarity 

In April, members of the MA State Senate staff announced that after years of staff organizing, they achieved the number of authorization cards necessary to form a MA Senate staff union. On Thursday, March 31, representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2222 (IBEW) notified Senate President Karen Spilka of the successful majority and requested voluntary recognition of the Massachusetts State House Employee Union, which would become the second state legislative staff union in United States history. To show solidarity with the union organizers, we chose to score any statements made by legislators in support of the Staff Union (32h). 

2022 MA Senate Scorecard: The Rest of the Session in Review

PM Scorecard graphic

A scorecard, as we like to say, should tell a story. And telling that story requires careful attention. 

As we analyzed recorded votes since our mid-term scorecard update, we focused on votes that advance our Legislative Agenda / Progressive Platform and, importantly, highlight a contrast between legislators. 

Because of that, we shy away from including many unanimous votes: before any unanimous vote, there are often many legislators putting up roadblocks along the way, as well as concessions made to achieve broader support. Moreover, in a case of unanimity, a recorded vote is motivated more by legislators’ desires for a good press release than anything else (if there’s a time to voice vote, it would be then). No scorecard can ever fully capture such behind-the-scenes jockeying, but setting a high bar before including a unanimous vote helps. 

False Solutions for Rising Inflation  

In the wake of rising inflation, conservatives in the state and nationally started pushing for suspending or even eliminating the gas tax. Such a move does not get at the root of the commodity speculation pushing the price increase and drains revenue that could be used to address the true cost drivers. More forward-thinking policymakers embraced free public transit as a way to address rising costs (see, for example, Connecticut). Votes to suspend the gas tax came up during a supplemental budget in March and in the regular budget in May; we scored the former, which failed 11-29 (21s). Paul Feeney (D-Foxborough), Barry Finegold (D-Andover), Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford), Michael Moore (D-Auburn), Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and John Velis (D-Westfield joined Republicans in the gimmick. 

Tackling the Climate Crisis 

In April, the Senate took up a multi-issue climate bill to accelerate the clean energy transition, with a particular focus on electrification of transportation and also, to a lesser extent, on building emissions. You can read our full write-up here. It was a strong bill and passed on party lines, i.e., 37 to 3 (23s). There were several worthwhile amendments that passed with recorded votes, but we chose not to score the unanimous votes to allow local pension funds to divest from fossil fuels and require MassDOT to assist Regional Transit Authorities in transitioning to the use of electric buses (If there was unanimous support, it could have just been in the base bill that came to the floor or received a voice vote to move along the process faster). However, Senator Pacheco’s amendment based on his Building Justice with Jobs bill received a more contentious vote (22s). The amendment requested $1 billion from federal Covid-19 recovery funds be transferred to the Clean Energy Investment Fund for at least 1 million home retrofits, prioritizing people living in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities. The amendment was a key priority for the Mass Renews Alliance, MA Power Forward, 350 Mass, and the Mass Sierra Club, but it failed 11 to 28, with a coalition of yes votes from both some of the most progressive and the most conservative senators. 

Sports Betting

Despite the many far more important issues the Legislature could have devoted time to addressing this session, the Legislature was consumed a fair amount by the question of legalizing sports betting. We have been on the record opposing the expansion of casinos given the public health impacts of gambling and the predatory business practices at its core; however, we did not engage in this fight. That said, Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain) roll-called an amendment to the Senate’s sports betting bill to build an evaluation of sports betting license-seekers’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) commitments and past record into the licensing process. If the industry is to exist, it should not reinforce the inequities of the economy at large. Unfortunately, Senate Leadership opposed the amendment, and it failed 14 to 26 (24s) — a nonetheless remarkably close vote by our Legislature’s standards. 

Work & Family Mobility Act 

Although we are often more critical of the House than of the Senate, the Senate were the laggards on the Work & Family Mobility Act, which the House passed in February but the Senate did not take up until May (intentionally after the filing deadline for candidates…). The bill, 

for which immigrants’ rights advocates had been fighting for decades, would remove immigration status as a barrier to obtaining a driver’s license so that all drivers on the road are tested and so that immigrants without status are able to drive safely to work, to school, to the hospital, etc. It passed 32 to 8 (30s), with only 5 Democrats joining the 3 Republicans in opposition. Republicans tried several times to weaken the bill, with amendments to create a second-class status for such new license-holders, increase entanglement with ICE, or foster voter fraud conspiracies. They all failed, obtaining between 4 and 7 Democratic votes depending on amendment (25s – 29s). 

Nick Collins (D-South Boston), Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and John Velis (D-Westfield) were the only Democrats to oppose it. John Keenan (D-Quincy), Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford), and Michael Moore (D-Auburn) were the only senators to vote for the bill but support at least one effort to weaken it.

Criminal Legal Reform 

In late June, the Senate took up two bills to make the criminal justice system slightly more “just.” The first bill was to reform the civil asset forfeiture system, raising the legal bar that law enforcement must meet to seize and keep people’s money and property in suspected drug crimes. MA currently allows DAs the lowest legal burden of proof to keep property that’s seized, even when charges are never filed, and is the only state to do so. The Senate passed it 31 to 9, with 6 Democrats joining Republicans in opposition (32s). A Republican amendment to weaken the bill failed 10 to 29 (33s).

Mike Brady (D-Brockton), Nick Collins (D-South Boston), Barry Finegold (D-Andover), Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), Walter Timilty (D-Milton), and John Velis (D-Westfield) were the only Democrats to oppose it. Anne Gobi (D-Spencer) and Michael Moore (D-Auburn) voted for the effort to weaken the bill but ultimately supported it. Nick Collins (D-South Boston) opposed the effort to weaken the bill, but then also voted against the bill itself. 

The second was to increase opportunities for judicial diversion for youth, thereby ensuring opportunities for rehabilitation and curbing the school-to-prison pipeline. It passed 32 to 8, with 5 Democrats joining Republicans in opposition (36s). The Senate also defeated three Republican efforts to weaken the bill, with amendments receiving between 3 and 9 Democratic supporters (33s – 35s). 

Nick Collins (D-South Boston), Barry Finegold (D-Andover), Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), and John Velis (D-Westfield) were the only Democrats to oppose it.Paul Feeney (D-Foxborough), Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford), Michael Moore (D-Auburn), and Walter Timilty (D-Milton) all supported at least one of the conservative amendments but still voted for the bill itself. 

In a sad final note for the session, however, the Senate embraced a harmful proposal from Governor Baker to reinforce the carceral framework. After the House and Senate passed a measure to end the predatory practice of charging incarcerated individuals exorbitant costs to connect with their loved ones (No Cost Calls), Governor Baker threatened to veto it unless the Legislature also passed his “dangerousness bill,” an expansion of pre-trial detention (i.e., when individuals are incarcerated without yet being convicted of a crime) with few if any safeguards. Despite being touted as a victims’ rights bill, the proposal was opposed by Jane Doe, Inc., who argued that the bill would be harmful for the survivors they serve. 

Nonetheless, in the final hours of the session, the Senate chose to pass a narrowed but still harmful version of Baker’s proposal, thereby closing off a path forward for the No Cost Calls bill and pandering to the worst of “tough on crime” mentality. The amendment passed, shamefully, 30 to 8 (38s). The eight rightful dissenters were Mike Barrett (D-Lexington), Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain), Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), Cindy Creem (D-Newton), Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton), Adam Hinds (D-Pittsfield), Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville), and Jason Lewis (D-Winchester).

Reproductive Justice 

Although the Legislature often claims that it cannot quickly, at times, it can, and the Legislature responded quickly to the Dobbs ruling by passing a follow-up bill to last session’s ROE Act. The new bill established critical protections for Bay Staters who provide or help someone access reproductive health care and gender-affirming care, requiring insurance to cover abortion and abortion-related care, and other important measures supporting reproductive justice and bodily autonomy. It passed overwhelmingly 39 to 1, with only Republican Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton) opposing it (37s). 

Labor Solidarity 

In April, members of the MA State Senate staff announced that after years of staff organizing, they achieved the number of authorization cards necessary to form a MA Senate staff union. On Thursday, March 31, representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2222 (IBEW) notified Senate President Karen Spilka of the successful majority and requested voluntary recognition of the Massachusetts State House Employee Union, which would become the second state legislative staff union in United States history. Senate Leadership has remained resolutely opposed to recognizing them, and to show solidarity with the union organizers, we chose to score any statements made by senators in support of the Staff Union (39s).

How the MA Senate Colluded with Charlie Baker to Defeat No Cost Calls

Phone in prison

Thank you to @CourtWatchMA and @JusticeHealing for your contributions to this write-up.


Right now, families are charged exorbitant fees to maintain vital connections with incarcerated loved ones (sometimes $5 or $6 for a 15-minute call). This is a regressive tax on the most vulnerable populations of the Commonwealth that also harms public safety by limiting communication and weakening community bonds.

While only 21 percent of the state’s population is Black or Latinx, more than 54 percent of the people imprisoned by the Department of Correction are, with similar overrepresentation in county jails and houses of correction run by the Commonwealth’s sheriffs. Black and Latinx children are, respectively, nine and three times more likely than White children to have a parent in prison. As communities already struggle with the high cost of housing, health care, and transportation, no one should be forced to choose between paying rent or buying groceries and maintaining contact with loved ones.

Moreover, punitive policies targeted at the families of incarcerated individuals leave us all worse off: numerous studies have shown that contact with loved ones promotes successful reentry after incarceration.

In their respective budgets in April and May, the MA House and Senate acknowledged this reality, heeded the advocacy of groups like Families for Justice as Healing and the rest of the Keeping Families Connected coalition, and respectively voted to provide calls at no cost to all people incarcerated by the state prisons, houses of correction, and county jails in Massachusetts (a policy referred to as “No Cost Calls”).

The Budget Conference Committee reconciled the two versions, largely adopting the House language with some important elements of the Senate language, including limits to commissary fees–what families pay to purchase necessary hygiene and food items not provided by prisons and jails directly. While the final language the Legislature sent to the Governor was not as robust as the Coalition had urged–for example, it did not include guaranteed or unlimited minutes per person per day–it was still a watershed moment for a policy deeply and urgently needed by some of the Commonwealth’s most economically burdened families, disparately families of color. The wide support in the Legislature was proven by the adoption of this conference language in the budget.

But the formal period of the 192nd Legislative Session just ended Monday morning in an extension of “July 31” by more than ten hours by the Legislature, and No Cost Calls has not become law. What happened? 

Self-Defeating Procrastination

The Massachusetts State House has become notorious for passing late budgets. Despite both chambers being Democratic, they did not pass a post-Conference budget until July 18, two-and-a-half weeks into the new fiscal year. 

For context, the Senate (which votes in May) passed its budget on May 26. That means it took the House and Senate almost two months to come to an agreement. By waiting until so late, they gave Governor Charlie Baker the upper hand to send back amendments or attempt to veto parts of the budget given the inevitable chaos of the end of the session. 

So, on that front, both chambers deserve at least some blame, but, as we’ll see, the burden lies much more on the Senate. 

Yes, Massachusetts, Charlie Baker is a Republican, or The Dangerousness of “Dangerousness”

Rather than simply signing the budget with the No Cost Calls language, Baker sent back an amendment using the No Cost Calls provisions of the budget as a vehicle to pass his bill to expand the use of “dangerousness” hearings, one of his top priorities for the session. In other words, he decided to hold No Cost Calls hostage to an expansion of incarceration, and worse, pretrial detention–jailing people who are presumed innocent.

What is a “dangerousness hearing”? It is when the prosecution requests that a judge hold a defendant without bail for up to 120 days in district/municipal court or up to 180 days in superior court because the prosecution alleges the person is “too dangerous” for release, i.e. no conditions of release could protect the safety of a specific individual or the community as a whole. Constitutionally, dangerousness hearings must be limited to the most serious crimes, those which inherently carry “the menace of dangerousness,” according to both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. To be clear, detention on dangerousness grounds is a form of pretrial detention: individuals have not been convicted yet, so a dangerousness hearing undermines the fundamental principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”

Although there is incomplete data collection on the use and abuse of pretrial detention, it is clear that pretrial detention both reflects and exacerbates the systemic racism of the criminal legal system. Recent available data on dangerousness requests, in particular, are stark. The Massachusetts Trial Court publishes a dashboard on prosecutorial requests for dangerousness hearings, which was updated in January 2022 to include racial demographic information for the first time (click on the “Adult Demographics (table)” tab at the top, and select ‘Race/Ethnicity” in both drop-down menus under “Select a Demographic…”). 

Statewide, in a state that is 71.4% non-Hispanic white, according to the last full year of available data (FY21), roughly 3 in 5 dangerousness hearings were brought against people of color. Black people made up 28.4% and Hispanic people made up 29.6% of prosecutorial requests for a dangerousness hearing in district and municipal courts. Black people made up 32.3% and Hispanic people made up 30.1% of prosecutorial requests for a dangerousness hearing in superior courts. 

According to the 2020 landmark study on racial disparities in sentencing in Massachusetts out of Harvard Law School, people of color are more likely to be over-charged for the same conduct, and more likely to be indicted to superior court for the same offenses, as compared to white people. In fact, Harvard’s researchers determined that a whopping 70% of the reason for sentencing disparities was attributable to prosecutorial decisions. These same prosecutorial patterns and implicit biases are reflected in the current use of the “dangerousness” statute to send people to jail pretrial without the possibility of release, a practice that deeply harms communities and coerces people to take pleas just to get out of jail.


With a county by county breakdown, the numbers on racial disparities are even more alarming, as Commonwealth Magazine reported on Friday:

In Bristol County, Tyler said, people of color faced 58A hearings at three times the rate of white defendants; in Berkshire County, the rate of dangerousness hearings was four times as high for nonwhite defendants as white defendants, she said.

About 15 percent of Middlesex County’s residents are people of color, but they represent 52 percent of cases involving dangerousness hearings, according to Tyler. And in Suffolk County, home to Boston and the State House, 90 percent of dangerousness cases are for defendants of color, who are only 48 percent of the population.

Further, since 2018’s “bail reform”—when the Legislature expanded upon an “ability to pay” standard for judges setting bail, required by the SJC in Commonwealth v. Brangan—prosecutors have begun to use the dangerousness statute more to try to convince judges to hold people without bail. Groups like CourtWatchMA have documented dramatic upticks in the use of dangerousness even in counties led by prosecutors who ran as progressives. And that change in usage over the last four years can also be seen on the Trial Court’s dashboard (click on the “Trends” tab). Even as the overall number of criminal cases has decreased (use the drop-down menu to compare the number of “lead charges” per year), more than 1,000 additional cases went through dangerousness hearings in FY21 as compared to FY18.

Finally, even though the current 58A “dangerousness” statute includes a maximum limit of 120 days in jail for cases out of district/municipal court and 180 days for cases out of superior court, already those limits are not always honored. First, keep in mind that a case that originates in district/municipal court can later be indicted to superior court, so those 120/180 limits may become consecutive–a maximum of 300 days, or nearly 10 months in jail, pretrial while presumed innocent. That’s already our current law. But further, because of how the Commonwealth’s speedy trial rules get interpreted, people may sit in jail far longer than that with no recourse. Members of the Families for Justice as Healing participatory defense hub have been fighting for loved ones who have spent 316 days, 387 days, 491 days, and 914 days fighting for their freedom. Accused people who litigate harder–for example, requesting continuances to file motions to suppress the evidence against them or to better prepare for trial–may “toll” the clock, meaning they may sit for days or months in jail that don’t get counted against the statutory limit.

So what is it Governor Baker wants to do with this 58A statute? He wants to make it even more draconian and stacked against people accused of crimes. Baker’s amendment would have, among other things, (1) created a new felony offense for tampering with a GPS device or an interlock breath-test device, (2) significantly expanded the list of crimes for which a dangerousness hearing can be sought–including a number that do not involve any allegation of physical harm, (3) allowed dangerousness hearings to be sought at any time during a judicial proceeding, as opposed to only at the beginning, and (4) allowed individuals to be held in pretrial detention indefinitely, removing the current statutory caps altogether.

The ACLU and Jane Doe Inc. were among the most prominent and vocal opponents of Baker’s bill. As Jane Doe Inc. said of the bill, it “include[s] certain policies that would have harmed our communities and actually undermined the safety and wellbeing of survivors themselves.” In their legislative testimony against it, they highlighted concerns about racial disproportionality, the potential for an increase in dangerousness hearings to take court time and energy away from more serious cases, and the impact on survivors arrested because of an accusation made by their abuser.

Baker had been pushing the bill with all the old “tough on crime” tropes, but as people are increasingly understanding, prisons and policing are not the foundation of public safety: investing in housing, health care, education, and community stability and flourishing is. 

So The Bill Goes to the House 

On Friday, as advocates panned Gov. Baker’s petulant amendment, members of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus held a powerful press conference pushing back against Baker’s amendment. Rep. Brandy Fluker-Oakley (D-Mattapan) highlighted how Baker is ignoring real community voices and community needs :“The truth of the matter is, our governor is not recognizing the victimization that our communities experience day in and day out by being overpoliced. Furthermore, it is abhorrent and an abomination that he would even try to tie this to no-cost calls when it is the lifeline that our families are able to connect with those on the outside and data and statistics and study after study shows that when there is family contact, it reduces recidivism.” Rep. Chynah Tyler (D-Roxbury) spoke of the immense racial disparities in pre-trial detention: “The impacts on communities of color are staggering, and it simply sounds like a racist system to me.” 

The next day, the House voted overwhelmingly to reject Baker’s amendment. Only four Democrats: Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), Dave Robertson (D-Tewksbury), Paul Tucker (D-Salem), and Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop) joined Republicans in voting for Baker’s amendment.

If your state rep is among the 122 NAYs, you should thank them.

But then Comes the Senate

That the Senate did not similarly vote to reject Baker’s amendment on Saturday was a concerning sign itself. This delay over the weekend led Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain) to lead the Senate’s Black and Latino Caucus (her, Sen. Lydia Edwards of East Boston, and Sen. Adam Gomez of Springfield) in an email to their colleagues lifting up the House Black and Latino Caucus’s press conference and calling for a rejection of Baker’s amendment:

“No-cost cost calls reform is a priority of the MBLLC this year. It is a provision designed to stop the regressive taxation of the families of incarcerated people—primarily women and children, who have committed no crime—to pay for programming in our jails and prisons. In addition, maintaining family bonds through phone and video calls helps reduce the well-documented trauma experienced by children of incarcerated individuals, AND reduces recidivism rates when incarcerated individuals return to society. For all these reasons, this reform was consensus policy between the House and Senate in both chambers’ budget proposals.  

We reject, in the strongest terms, the Governor’s use of this consensus provision as leverage to force through separate legislation that he favors.  

Additionally, it’s important to note that his bill on pre-trial 58A detentions has not received a favorable report from committee. 58A detentions already result in the heavily disproportionate incarceration of Black and Latino defendants—without being convicted of any crime. Increasing their use and scope would exacerbate the problem of disparate incarceration that we have worked so hard to move away from in recent years, with the passage of MA’s 2018 Criminal Justice Reform law.  

We hope you will stand with the Black & Latino Caucus and numerous racial justice and civil rights organization in advancing these long-awaited no-cost call reforms, and rejecting the Governor’s attempt to attach an unrelated piece of legislation. The House has already voted to do so. “

Advocates also continued to press the Senate to reject the Governor’s Amendment and reject any version of a dangerousness proposal, especially because if it was attached to No Cost Calls it would almost certainly defeat that policy whole cloth. Families for Justice as Healing and Building Up People Not Prisons held a rally outside the Statehouse in the afternoon and a demonstration inside the halls, capturing the attention of reporters and legislators alike. 

Throughout the evening, advocates from Jane Doe and Families for Justice as Healing, among others, continued to press senators to reject any expansion of pretrial detention attached to No Cost Calls.

The Senate ended up not even taking up consideration of it until very late on Sunday night, extending into the wee hours of Monday morning (with the Legislature voting to extend the session further and further into the morning each hour). 

Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) and Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain) both spoke passionately against the amendment.

Eldridge highlighted how the dangerousness law undermines the “bedrock principle that all people are innocent until proven guilty” and that Baker’s proposal pulls us backwards from recent positive movement on juvenile justice reform, as it would allow more children as young as 12 to be held in detention. He spoke about how expansive even Baker’s “narrowed” list of crimes to add to the dangerousness statute was (including some marijuana offenses, a doubling down on a drug war the state has been trying to move past) and the striking racial disparities in dangerousness hearings in Middlesex County (“Although 15 percent of Middlesex County’s residents are people of color, they represent about 50 percent of those involved in dangerousness hearings.”).

Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain) criticized Baker’s selective focus on some victims rather than others (“It’s important we hear from victims, but it’s also important that we remember there are many different kinds of victims and that we not see the pain and suffering of some victims to the exclusion of other victims.”) and highlighted the racial disparities in pre-trial detention in Suffolk County (“Ninety percent — 90 percent — of people subject to 58A detentions in Suffolk County are people of color, compared to 48 percent of the population in Suffolk County.”). She also underscored the harm that indefinite pre-trial detention can cause: “Imagine being held for 200 days, 500 days, 900 days, without being convicted of a damn thing and the impact that has on your family and your children. You lose your job, you lose your housing, you lose your children.”

In his speech in favor of the amendment, Bruce Tarr jarringly refused to enumerate the new offenses to be added to the dangerousness statute, as though that were merely secondary: “I’m not going to go through the entire list. Some of you would like me to do that. Perhaps tomorrow we can gather in some part of the State House and I will go through the list for you. Suffice it to say the governor has proposed a significant expansion of the list.” He wanted the Senate to pass an expansion of the carceral system at midnight without even reading it. 

The Baker amendment was rejected on a standing vote: 8 in favor, 14 against. Unfortunately, there is no record of who the 8 and who the 14 were. 

A Dangerous Show Vote

Rather than move forward, as the House had, and challenge Baker to veto No Cost Calls (and then return to session to override him), the Senate decided to take up a narrowed, but still harmful, version of Baker’s amendment, with no House buy-in. Senator Tarr had introduced seven amendments, each capturing a piece of what Baker had proposed, but he first moved forward the redrafted Amendment 6 which he framed as a consensus compromise that could be passed in isolation.

The new amendment would create a new misdemeanor offense for tampering with a GPS device (2.5 years in prison, and a felony of up to 5 years for a second and subsequent offense), require that anyone convicted of that offense be subject to presumptive pretrial detention without the possibility of release on any subsequent allegation, expand the list of crimes that would allow the prosecution to move for a dangerousness hearing (including crimes like “criminal harassment” and “attempted extortion” which may involve no threat or use of force), and create a system by which victims are given a six-hour notification in advance of an individual’s being released from detention, including at a police station.

No senators opposed the latter provision. But creating new non-violent crimes (especially for conduct that already has sanctions under current law—if a person removes their GPS, they will be subject to a hearing on a violation of their conditions of release and will likely face time in jail or prison whether released pretrial, on probation, or on parole) and expanding the reach of the carceral system is never wise. It’s especially problematic to do so at 1 am when most senators have not considered the ramifications of what they are voting on.

Sen. Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) was unsurprisingly dismissive of claims of systemic racism in the judicial system: “I would suggest that if we want to argue now that the judiciary is somehow flawed in its decision-making, that is a much larger issue and we find ways to address it. But until we do that, those sworn to the judiciary are charged with the solemn responsibility of making the best decisions they can. Until we indict that process, we need to be able to follow it. “ 

Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) explained how the language would expand dangerousness hearings to cover many non-violent crimes, citing cases such as a dispute between neighbors, a child throwing a wastebasket across the room, or consensual sex between teenagers close in age. He rightfully emphasized the importance of understanding how the charges are used in practice, rather than discussing them only in the abstract: “I ask you not to think of the worst-case scenario, but the best-case scenario, the mistakes that could be made, the biases in our system, the implicit institutional racism in our judicial system.”

Sen. Mike Barrett (D-Lexington) gave a passionate speech about the need to learn the lessons from past policymaking that fueled mass incarceration: “I can tell you that every time we added new criminal laws to the books and every time we extended sentences and every time we created second strike and third strike, you’re out rules, we always did it because in the moment, the arguments seemed compelling. We always made the same mistake. We focused on one or two truly awful scenarios and we then permitted ourselves to make decisions about multiple situations based on those one or two situations. In this particular case, as I’ve listened throughout the evening, I’ve heard folks cite, quite persuasively, one or two experiences of their own, part of their lived experience perhaps as a professional, which lead them to believe there are elements here that are absolutely required. There are laws among those enumerated here that absolutely should be added to the list of what’s allowable for a dangerousness hearing. So we allow the particular to lead us to overlegislate. Every time we’ve overlegislated in a way that’s led to over incarceration, it’s because we’ve been led by a compelling argument or two to overextend the amount of law we’ve created. In this particular instance tonight, we’re about to vote based on extremely persuasive arguments in favor to add 25 new statutes to the list that can trigger dangerousness hearings. This is in a state where we’ve already built out the list pretty extensively. We’re about to overlegislate just as we did during the Bill Clinton years, just as we did during the 1990s. We know there’s one or two compelling reasons to act, and we’re allowing ourselves to overreach. We are going too far. We will regret this. This is why too many people wind up in jail. This is why our incarceration rates in this country are the greatest of any democracy on the face of the earth.”

Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain) praised Barrett’s speech and similarly criticized the scope of the proposal: “We have to recognize debating this amendment, yes, it will help some people. There are many components of this amendment I would like to support, particularly victim notification. This amendment will also harm people. We have to be honest about that….We have had many months to arrive at a better compromise. It is an option before us tonight. We could redraft this amendment to reduce its scope, to reduce its overreach. We’re choosing not to do that.” She also read Jane Doe Inc.’s statement in opposition to the amendment, noting that they had emailed legislators that evening to oppose even the redrafted amendment.

Sen. Cindy Creem (D-Newton) explained to her colleagues that voting for this amendment would effectively kill the No Cost Calls legislation: “So this is sort of a double whammy to those people in prison because we’re going to put more people in prison. By voting this amendment, we’re likely to make sure prisoners don’t have the phone calls we voted they’d be able to have. As we do this today and the hour is late, the House rejected this. Perhaps my colleagues are right. We missed an opportunity. I understand. Perhaps there should have been an negotiation. But there are many prisoners sitting in jail who are unable to speak with their children, their parents, their friends, and this body voted they should have those calls. This late hour, if we vote for this, we can be sure they won’t have that opportunity.” She also criticized the terrible, rushed process: “I’m not even sure I understand how many crimes we’re voting on, and I would say most of us don’t. Most of us don’t understand the nuances, some of which involve crimes we’d call Romeo and Juliet between young children who are having sex these days. Maybe we should do that, maybe we shouldn’t. We are punishing those people incarcerated because we didn’t do what we’re supposed to do.”

Sen. Lydia Edwards (D-East Boston) (despite the earlier email she’d signed onto encouraging her colleagues to reject the Governor’s amendment), Sen. Becca Rausch (D-Needham), Sen. Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), and Sen. Paul Feeney (D-Foxborough) all invoked anecdotes to support the amendment and refused to engage with the arguments put forth by critics. Sen. Brownsberger (D-Belmont) misleadingly tried to frame the expansion of pretrial detention as a way to support bail reform. Sen. John Velis (D-Westfield) simply scoffed at the idea of due process concerns. 

What these senators tried to avoid directly addressing is the simple fact that by voting for the amendment, they were defeating No Cost Calls for the session. The only path forward for No Cost Calls was for the Senate to reject Baker’s amendment, as the House had done and the Senate had done moments before, and for the House and Senate to commit to returning to a special session to override a veto from Baker if need be. The Senate’s decision to introduce new language at a late hour without House buy-in was a bad-faith move, setting up the vote to be nothing more than a show vote. The dangerousness law would not be changed, and No Cost Calls would die. 

Knowing all of that, they still voted 30 to 8 in support of the amendment. 

Thank you to the 8 senators who stood by No Cost Calls and against a return to failed “tough on crime” policies that expanded mass incarceration and would leave communities less safe: Mike Barrett (D-Lexington), Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Jamaica Plain), Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), Cindy Creem (D-Newton), Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton), Adam Hinds (D-Pittsfield), Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville), and Jason Lewis (D-Winchester).

Urgent: Email Your State Senator to Protect No Cost Calls

This past week, Charlie Baker did something shameful.

The Legislature, much to their credit, had passed language in the budget to guarantee free phone calls for incarcerated individuals, ending the predatory practice of prisons and jails charging incarcerated individuals and their families exorbitant costs to stay connected.

All Charlie Baker had to do was sign it. Instead, he is trying to hold the No Cost Calls language hostage as a way to pass one of his own legislative priorities: a bill to weaken due process protections and expand pre-trial detention. Black and Latino electeds in the MA House rightly condemned this move as abhorrent.

Yesterday, the House voted overwhelmingly to reject Baker’s ploy. (If your state rep is among the 122 NAY votes here, you should thank them. NAY = against Baker’s amendment)

House Vote Rejecting Baker Dangerousness Amendment

But the Legislative session is about to end, and the State Senate has not yet voted to reject Baker’s amendment and to protect No Cost Calls and due process.

If you have time TONIGHT, email your State Senator to tell them to reject Charlie Baker’s amendment and to extend the Legislative session if they have to in order to preserve their own legislative victories.

2 am update: Unfortunately, the MA Senate chose not to listen to advocates like Jane Doe Inc. and Families for Justice as Healing and still passed a version of Baker’s dangerousness bill, which will expand incarceration and put No Cost Calls at risk. Thank you to the 8 senators who voted no.

House and Senate Strengthen Protections for Abortion Care in Mass

Earlier today, the MA House and Senate passed a comprehensive bill to strengthen protections for abortion care and gender-affirming care (H.5090).

According to the summary from the Beyond ROE Coalition, the bill contains the following important measures:

  1. Critical protections for Bay Staters who provide or help someone access reproductive health care and gender-affirming care;
  2. A requirement that insurance cover abortion and abortion-related care. The bill also ensures coverage is affordable—and not subject to cost sharing—for low-income individuals;
  3. A requirement that Massachusetts public colleges and universities provide medication abortion at campus health centers;
  4. A statewide standing order for both prescription and over-the-counter emergency contraception, making no-cost insurance coverage possible for all forms of emergency contraception without delay, and a statutory fix to ensure over-the-counter emergency contraception can be sold in vending machines;
  5. A confidential address program for reproductive health care and gender-affirming care providers who too often face threats and violence for providing health care; and
  6. Language to clarify the ROE Act and ensure pregnant people are not forced to leave Massachusetts for abortion care later in pregnancy.

The bill passed the Senate 39 to 1, with only Republican senator Ryan Fattman voting NO.

The House voted was 137 to 16, with 5 Democrats and 11 Republicans voting no.

Roll Call #236