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CommonWealth: Liberal Groups Boost Sanchez Challenger

Liberal groups boost Sanchez challenger” — Michael Jonas, CommonWealth (8/31/2018)

“The impression we’re left with is he’s waiting for instructions from DeLeo on what he can and cannot do,” said Andrew Breton, a member of the steering committee of the local organization JP Progressives, which has thrown its support behind Elugardo. The group is part of the statewide organization Progressive Massachusetts, which also endorsed Elugardo and gave Sanchez a C+ on its legislative scorecard for the first half of the two-year session lawmakers just wrapped up.

“The House always ends up being the place where good legislation goes to die,” said Jonathan Cohn, co-chair of the elections committee for Progressive Massachusetts.


“What the speaker of the House wanted is what happened,” said Cohn, the Progressive Mass. leader. “For that to change there have to be systemic reforms in how the House operates, and that requires primary challenges. The House is filled with well-meaning people who at the end of the day will do whatever they’re told. That needs to change, and I think Nika’s candidacy is part of that dynamic.”

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