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House, Senate Pass Final Version of Pay Range Disclosure Bills

Yesterday, the MA Senate voted 38 to 2 and the House 153 to 5 for the final language of legislation to require all employers with 25+ employees to post salary ranges for positions they are advertising.

Here’s what the bill would do (courtesy of WBUR):

  • All job postings by employers (businesses, nonprofits, government entities, etc) with 25 or more workers would be required to include the wage or salary range for the position being advertised. The requirement takes effect a year after the bill is signed. While the bill doesn’t set specific guidelines for the range, it must be a “good faith” reflection of what the employer plans to pay.
  • The bill would also require those same employers to share the pay range whenever an employee is getting promoted or transferred to a new position — and it gives workers the right to request info on their current job’s salary range at any point.
  • Finally, the bill would require employers with 100 or more workers to file (already federally required) employment data with the state, so officials can better track local wage gaps.
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