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Letter: “Legislature is dominated by one party. Sherborn woman wonders why it can’t pass bills”

Jennifer Debin, “Letter: Legislature is dominated by one party. Sherborn woman wonders why it can’t pass bills,” MetroWest Daily News, September 14, 2024.

To the Editor:

The lack of action by our elected representatives in the Massachusetts Legislature is frustrating and unacceptable.

We have a Democrat for governor, as well as Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, yet so very little happened this session and that seems to be the pattern. When compared to a state like Minnesota that also has a Democratic trifecta, our record of passing bills is abysmal.

It is ridiculous that most will be re-elected again and again in spite of very few accomplishments. At the very least, they need to be continually called out for their inaction on behalf of Massachusetts residents and hopefully then be faced with primary challengers.

When I was a School Committee member, I ran in a contested race. We had a well attended debate. This is healthy and good for democracy. My School Committee position was uncompensated; in fact, I often had to pay a baby sitter in order to attend meetings.

I took my position extremely seriously, and gave it my all to serve on behalf of our townspeople. I feel that too many legislators are forgetting why they are there. They are our voices and they have failed to pass highly popular and pressing bills that affect us all, such as the dire climate bill, not to mention the numerous potential policies that are quietly “sent to study.”

We need and deserve true leaders who will take action and not merely play act their roles. 

Jennifer Debin

