Elections & Endorsements

Endorsement Policy

Electing progressives to offices at every level, all across the Commonwealth, is critical to implementing progressive policy solutions. Progressive Mass typically endorses for statewide offices and for select legislative offices on the state and national levels, and weighs in on statewide ballot questions. Endorsements for local races are delegated to chapters. To find a chapter near you, visit Our Chapters.

While it has become fashionable to call oneself a “progressive” here in Massachusetts, the members of Progressive Mass believe we must get every candidate on record on our issues (and we continue to hold electeds accountable, once in office). Accordingly, Progressive Mass requires all candidates seeking an endorsement to complete a comprehensive questionnaire relating to the priorities in our Legislative Agenda and Progressive Platform

How Our Endorsement Process Works

(1) The Elections and Endorsement Committee (EEC) gathers information on relevant races and discusses which races have standout candidates running on progressive values.

(2) The EEC reaches out to candidates to fill out our comprehensive policy questionnaire. As noted above, candidates seeking an endorsement must complete our questionnaire, which is made available online.

(3) The EEC decides which races to put up for a vote and what, if any, recommendations to make to the membership.

(4) As PM is a member-driven organization, the final decision is made by our members. A ballot is sent out to members via email, and any member in good standing has the opportunity to vote on whom, and whether, to endorse. A candidate must get 60% of the vote to secure an endorsement. 

Interested in seeking an endorsement? Email elections@progressivemass.com

Interested in being a part of the Elections & Endorsement Committee? Email elections@progressivemass.com

Our Endorsements