Lifting up MA’s Families with the Common Start Bill

Common Start MA logo

Today, the Joint Committee on Education held its hearing on the Common Start bill. Read our testimony below — and find out how to take action at

Testimony of Progressive Massachusetts in support of H.605 and S.2362: An Act providing affordable and accessible high quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth

October 23, 2021

Chairman Lewis, Chairwoman Peisch, and Members of the Joint Committee on Education:

My name is Jonathan Cohn, and I am the chair of the Issues Committee of Progressive Massachusetts. Progressive Massachusetts is a statewide grassroots advocacy organization that fights for a more equitable, just, sustainable, and democratic Massachusetts. We are urging you to give a favorable report to H.605 and S.362: An Act providing affordable and accessible high quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth, jointly known as the Common Start bill.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the weakness of our child care infrastructure, but families were already struggling before. According to the Economic Policy Institute, Massachusetts has the most expensive infant care in the country, after the District of Columbia, with the annual cost for infant care or child care of a four-year-old higher than that of college tuition. [1] The $20,913 average annual cost of child care and $15,095 average annual cost for care for a four-year-old is more than half what a minimum wage worker would earn in a year. These costs are prohibitively expensive for low- and middle-income families, who are forced to choose between making ends meet and saving for the future on one hand or affording child care on the other.

The Common Start bill will lift up Massachusetts families by providing child care and early education that is affordable for everyone.  It is most essential to lower-income families, but it will also aid middle-income families who must cope with the highest cost child care in the nation.  We need the quarter million workers who have left the workforce to return to their jobs so they can have income stability and we need them employed for our economy to prosper.

Investments in child care and early education are not only good for the economic security of parents: they are also highly beneficial for children. High-quality early education programs get results. Children benefit with enhanced resiliency and employment opportunities over their lifetimes. Providing children with high-quality early education and child care is one of the most effective ways to further a child’s success in grades K-12 and beyond.

With resources coming in from the federal government through the American Recovery Plan, we have an opportunity to build a child care and early education infrastructure worthy of our Commonwealth. We urge you to take it and to pass the Common Start legislation.


Jonathan Cohn

Chair, Issues Committee

Progressive Massachusetts


THIS WEEK: Safe Communities Act Town Hall + Common Start Rallies

Although the MA Legislature will soon go on recess for the end-of-year holiday season, this time of year is critical for building momentum for key legislative priorities.

Mark your calendar with some great opportunities to deepen your knowledge about and show support for the Safe Communities Act and the Common Start bill.

THURSDAY: Safe Communities Act Town Hall

SCA Town Hall

We’re 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and 9 months into a new federal administration and the passage of the Massachusetts Safe Communities Act ( S.1579 and H.2418) is more important than ever. Ending police and court involvement in deportations remains an urgent public health and public safety priority in Massachusetts. Join allies in the Safe Communities Act Coalition for a virtual town hall this Thursday, November 18th to hear from immigrant workers, immigrant survivors of domestic violence, and advocates about why the passage of the Safe Communities Act is essential and what you can do to take action.

Interpretation will be available.

Zoom link available upon RSVP.

Common Start Coalition Weekend of Action

In advance of the hearing next week on the Common Start bill, there will be rallies across the state.

The Common Start bill would establish a system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts families.

Southeast MA: Saturday at noon, Buttonwood Park, New Bedford


New Bedford Common Start Rally

Greater Boston: Saturday at 10:30 AM, Tadpole Playground, Boston Common


Greater Boston Common Start Rally

Central Mass: Saturday at 10:30 am, Elm Park, Worcester


COVID Housing Equity Bill Digital Day of Action

Today is the Digital Day of Action for the COVID-19 Housing Equity Bill.

There have been over 25,000 evictions filed in MA during the pandemic. Our communities are bracing for even more evictions and an onslaught of foreclosures. The COVID-19 Housing Equity bill would stop this needless displacement, but the Housing Committee has failed to move it forward. The State Legislature is about to close “formal session” until new year without protecting tenants and homeowners.

Join by calling and emailing the co-chairs of the Housing Committee and posting on twitter as part of the tweetstorm.

Digital Day of Action: COVID Housing Equity Bill

Thursday Evening: Mass Alliance Celebration of Progressive Champions

Join allies from Mass Alliance on Thursday to bring our progressive community together to celebrate our municipal victories of the 2021 election, honor our progressive champions, build community together, and plan and strategize for the future of our movement after the election.


Thinking Ahead….Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power: 12/4 & 12/5

Join us and allies for Coming Together: Building Progressive Political Power, on Dec 4-5, a virtual conference where we will explore how we can move our programs forward with maximum impact, strategizing how to engage, unite, and build the power needed to reverse the destructive policies of our current governmental structures.

Coming Together Conference: 12/4 & 12/5


Sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action, Our Revolution Massachusetts, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Massachusetts, North American Indian Center of Boston, Incorruptible Mass, Boston Democratic Socialists of America, Massachusetts Call 2 Action.

Mark Your Calendars: Safe Communities Act Town Hall + Common Start Week of Action

Although the MA Legislature will soon go on recess for the end-of-year holiday season, this time of year is critical for building momentum for key legislative priorities.

Mark your calendar with some great opportunities to deepen your knowledge about and show support for the Safe Communities Act and the Common Start bill.

Safe Communities Act Town Hall

SCA Town Hall

We’re 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and 9 months into a new federal administration and the passage of the Massachusetts Safe Communities Act ( S.1579 and H.2418) is more important than ever. Ending police and court involvement in deportations remains an urgent public health and public safety priority in Massachusetts. Join allies in the Safe Communities Act Coalition for a virtual town hall on November 18th to hear from immigrant workers, immigrant survivors of domestic violence, and advocates about why the passage of the Safe Communities Act is essential and what you can do to take action.

Interpretation will be available.

Zoom link available upon RSVP.

Common Start Coalition Week of Action

In advance of the hearing later this month on the Common Start bill, there will be rallies across the state.

The Common Start bill would establish a system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts families.

Cape & Islands: This Sunday @ 11:30 AM, Hyannis Village Green (367 Main Street)


Location: Hyannis Village Green, 367 Main Street

Cape & Islands Common Start Rally

Merrimack Valley & North Shore: This Sunday @ 11:30 am, Lowell City Hall (375 Merrimack St)


Merrimack Valley Common Start Rally

Southeast MA: Next Saturday at noon, Buttonwood Park, New Bedford


New Bedford Common Start Rally

Greater Boston: Next Saturday at 10:30 AM, Tadpole Playground, Boston Common


Greater Boston Common Start Rally

Upcoming Hearings on Medicare for All and Universal Child Care: Share Your Story

The reason why we support progressive policies is the tangible, positive impact that they will have in bettering the lives of people across the Commonwealth.

When health insurance costs too much and provides too little, and when families struggle to make ends meet in order to afford child care, people end up with undue stress, growing debt, and foreclosed opportunities.

The good thing? We can change that.

There will be upcoming hearings in the MA Legislature on Medicare for All and universal child care / early education, and they will be an opportunity to share why how such policies would have a tangible, positive impact on you and the people you care about.

Next Tuesday: Medicare for All Hearing

Next Tuesday (10/26) at 11 am, the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing will be hearing testimony on Medicare for All (S.766/H.1267).

These bills would make health care at last a truly enjoyed human right with a non-profit health care system that puts patients before profits, is comprehensive, covers every one, and is affordable.

If you would like to speak at the hearing, you must sign up by 4 pm today!

If you aren’t able to attend but still want to share why Medicare for All is so important to you, don’t fret!

Coming Soon: Hearing on the Common Start Bill

The Common Start coalition is collecting testimony for their bill’s hearing next month. The Common Start bill would establish a system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts families, over a 5-year timeline. This system would cover early education and care for children from birth through age 5, as well as after- and out-of-school time for children ages 5-12, and for children with special needs through age 15.

The hearing is on November 23, but the coalition is asking for testimony by Thursday, October 28 to put together a curated “recipe book” (Common Start, A Recipe for Affordable, Accessible, High-Quality Education and Care).

Check out the coalition’s guide to writing testimony here, and send testimony (or stories you’d like to include) to

Your Legislators Should Hear Your Story.

The pandemic has made many things clear, not least of which is how weak our child care infrastructure is.

And we can change that.

The Common Start Coalition is collecting a set of 1-2 minute videos to send to legislators to make the case for significant investment in the early education and care system, in anticipation of a bill later this legislative session. The Coalition plans to send legislators videos from parents, early educators, and advocates across the Commonwealth about the need for investment.

Please see the instructions below and contribute a video — or share your story via the online form here.


Videos should be under 2 minutes long and can be shot from your cell phone. Please email videos to and include the spelling of your full name and the city where you live in the email. This will help us determine the legislator for your district.

Outline for Video Testimony

Hi, I’m [name] from [city or town].
If it applies: I’m a [parent/family member/guardian.
I’m also [an essential worker, a childcare provider, a family care worker, working from home, unemployed, a business owner, an early educator, etc]. Child care is important to me because [fill in the blank].
When you have the opportunity to fund early education and childcare in Massachusetts, please remember my story because there are many others like me. Please invest in access to safe, high-quality, affordable child care.