WBUR on Maura Healy’s Run for Governor — And What Progressives Think

Anthony Brooks, “Maura Healey could be the next governor. Her ties to Mass. begin with a surprising backstory,” WBUR, June 9, 2022.

But a number of progressives say Healey is too conservative on some issues, including criminal justice. For example, they point out that Healey pushed to expand the state’s wire tapping law; she supported no-knock warrants and facial recognition software in some circumstances.

Jonathan Cohn, policy director for the group Progressive Massachusetts, is among those critics. The group has endorsed Chang-Díaz for governor, and Cohn says Healey sides with law enforcement too often and is too comfortable working within the current criminal justice system — instead of fighting to reshape it.

“If inequities are baked into a system and you’re accepting the system as it is, you’ll never fully address them,” Cohn said. “Because she’s largely operating as a law enforcement official.”

Boston Globe: “Mass. Democrats set to gather for convention, hopes high to expand their grip on power this fall”

Matt Stout, “Mass. Democrats set to gather for convention, hopes high to expand their grip on power this fall,” Boston Globe

“The type of voter who pays attention to all of the constitutional offices really early are a subset of a subset. When you have those people, you go in knowing there’s a large pool of people who are undecided,” said Jonathan Cohn, policy director for the group, Progressive Massachusetts. “It ups the stakes.”

PM in the News: Scorecards in Action

Alison Kuznitz, “Auditor candidate Chris Dempsey accuses rival Sen. Diana DiZoglio of a ‘falsehood born of willful ignorance,'” MassLive, May 4, 2022.

Dempsey, for his part during the forum, blasted DiZoglio for her 30% rating on the Senate’s police reform bill, as tracked by Progressive Massachusetts based on a string of amendments to the legislation. The organization, which has endorsed Dempsey for state auditor, gave other statewide candidates — including lieutenant governor candidates Sen. Adam Hinds and Sen. Eric Lesser, as well as gubernatorial candidate Sen. Sonia Chang- Díaz — a 100% rating.

Globe: “Two months in, Maura Healey’s pitch for Mass. governor is light on the details”

Matt Stout and Samantha J. Gross, “Two months in, Maura Healey’s pitch for Mass. governor is light on the details,” Boston Globe

Chang-Díaz’s platform web pages link to news articles, studies, and votes the senator has taken while serving on Beacon Hill, going into great detail with bulleted lists of actions she would take as governor. She’s been endorsed by groups like Progressive Massachusetts, which require lengthy, detailed questionnaires. Chang-Díaz’s was 48 pages long.

Healey did not file a questionnaire with the group, and thus did not partake in its endorsement process. Instead, Healey’scampaign sent the group an e-mail with an abbreviated version of her record as attorney general.

Our Latest Statewide Endorsements

PM Spring 2022 Endorsements

Progressive Massachusetts reached out earlier this year to candidates for Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, and state Auditor with our comprehensive policy questionnaire. And then we interviewed those who filled out a questionnaire last month.

We then sent the question to our members: whom, and whether, to endorse, with a high threshold of 60% for endorsement.

We are thus proud to endorse Tanisha Sullivan for Secretary of the Commonwealth (93% of our member vote), Quentin Palfrey for Attorney General (62% of our member vote), and Chris Dempsey for State Auditor (78% of our member vote).

Secretary of the Commonwealth: Tanisha Sullivan

Tanisha Sullivan has been an inspiration as President of the Greater Boston NAACP, and we are excited by what she could do as our state’s Chief Democracy Officer and Chief Information Officer. Tanisha will be a strong champion for strengthening voting rights in our Commonwealth and knows that democracy is year-round, not just at the ballot box. She would be a creative and proactive leader in ensuring that racial and economic equity are at the center of all aspects of the office’s work, including the office’s role in corporate governance and historic preservation. Massachusetts has, for too often, been a laggard on voting rights and government transparency when we should be a leader. We have the opportunity to change that.

Tanisha Sullivan for Secretary of the Commonwealth

Here’s what our members said about Tanisha: 

“Tanisha has demonstrated an understanding of how a more activist SoC can be helpful to all people.”

“She has the background to be successful in this position & has new ideas to make voting easier.”

“Tanisha will be a tenacious defender of voting rights. She will modernize the office, and ensure that everyone’s right to vote will be defended.”

“Tanisha will bring a new perspective to the role and is committed to transparency and connecting more communities across the Commonwealth.” 

“I look forward to Tanisha Sullivan serving as the Chief Democracy Officer of the state. Reading her questionnaire made me feel hopeful — like maybe the future is not as grim as it’s been looking.”

“She is a smart progressive woman of color. We need more than transactions. We need transformations.”

“We need this change. Experience means nothing if you aren’t willing to make changes. Tanisha will bring the change we need!” 

“Tanisha Sullivan will bring new energy and ideas, and a different lived experience to the job.”

“Tanisha Sullivan is an accomplished attorney & civil rights advocate who will both: bring much needed modernization to the office, and serve as an invaluable & insightful voice on vital issues in Massachusetts and nationally.”

“Tanisha is an amazing candidate who has a great track record working as the President of the NAACP. She will put racial justice first in her work in the Secretary’s office.”

” Tanisha is a breath of fresh air, and her experience as a corporate attorney and as a racial equity advocate will ensure the corporations division expands its role in ensuring economic access to entrepreneurship.”

“Tanisha Sullivan, with her experience of advancing equity and access, will be a fabulous Secretary of the Commonwealth! Her vision of making the office more than procedural – who knew this branch of government could have been doing more all along, even today? We must have election systems that engage more people, historic preservation that represents everyone’s histories, information that is actually accessible, and a corporate division that supports small and micro-businesses that help communities thrive.”

​Learn more about Tanisha at https://www.tanishasullivan.com/​

Attorney General: Quentin Palfrey 

Whether taking on health insurance and pharmaceutical companies as an Assistant Attorney General, advocating across the country for voting rights, or advising on policy and strategy in Washington, Quentin Palfrey has demonstrated a keen sense of how to use the law to advance and protect the public good. Quentin would be an effective and proactive Attorney General, ready for the work of holding big corporations accountable, protecting the civil rights of all, strengthening our response to climate change, and reforming our criminal legal system. 

Quentin Palfrey for Attorney General

Here’s what our members said about Quentin: 

“Palfrey combines a passion for progressive causes with the knowledge of what the power of the AG office can do.”

“Quentin is strong across all policy areas and has experience working as an attorney in government, working in the office of the attorney general and as a government attorney, and managing large staffs of lawyers at all levels, not to mention doing so for voter protection efforts.”

“Quentin has devoted his career to public service, and he is a highly experienced lawyer who has advocated for progressive causes.”

“He has a long record of supporting progressive policy in public sector legal offices across the United States.”

“Quentin is clearly the most progressive candidate and is someone we can trust to get progressive policy done.”

“Quentin has the clearest plan with keen determination.”

“His experience, passion, and vision are perfect for this moment.”

“He’s got the combination of progressive vision and experience.”

“He’s a high-caliber candidate with a wealth of experience; he’s the only candidate to support all these progressive agenda items that matter to me: single payer health care, safe consumption sites, a cap on charter schools, fare-free public transportation, and ending qualified immunity.”

“Quentin Palfrey’s experience & policy positions are the right fit, full stop. I think Palfrey’s experience in office would better allow him to hit the ground running using the AG’s office proactively from day one.”

“He’s bright, thoughtful and caring. Public service is in his genes. Quentin is a doer. He is strong and committed to issues of importance to me. I share his values. He doesn’t just talk about ideas; he walks the walk and makes things happen.”

“I’m impressed with Quentin Palfrey’s breadth and depth of legal experience across so many different critical areas, and his leadership of huge efforts, including the healthcare division of the AG’s office itself. I can’t imagine anyone more prepared to step right into the role of Attorney General, ready to be the people’s attorney, pushing us toward greater equity, justice, health, and sustainability. Quentin has the experience to interrupt our state’s indefensible practices, and to push or work with other branches of government when either is called for.”

Learn more about Quentin at https://www.quentinpalfrey.com/.

State Auditor: Chris Dempsey 

Throughout his career in public service and advocacy, Chris Dempsey has been committed to making state government work better for everyday people—whether that’s through innovations at the Department of Transportation, standing up against special interests and misuse of public funds in the fight against Boston’s Olympic bid, or advocating for equitable and efficient transportation. A systems thinker and a coalition builder, Chris has demonstrated creativity in his approach to what the Office of the State Auditor can do on climate change and police accountability. An Auditor needs to uncover data and then use it to advocate for a better Commonwealth, and Chris has the track record to do it. 

Chris Dempsey for State Auditor

Here’s what our members said about Chris: 

“I am energized by Chris’s commitment to making the Auditor’s Office the first in the country to incorporate carbon accounting. We need a leader who isn’t afraid to stand up and hold state government accountable for the climate goals we’ve written into law.”

“Chris Dempsey has an expansive vision of the role of the state auditor’s office. He also has the technical and managerial skills to do the job.”

“Chris Dempsey is the clear progressive choice and he has the requisite experience to hit the ground on day one and hold those in power accountable.”

“He’s a strong strategic thinker. What is there to not like about a state auditor who is strategic, has vision, and personal tools to carry it out?”

“Chris’ history of coalition building and his focus on improving government efficiency both financially and with his climate audit make him a clear choice of PM. “

“Chris is smart, courageous & proved his willingness to take on the status quo with his opposition to the Olympics proposal.”

“In his leadership with No Boston Olympics, Chris Dempsey demonstrated his commitment to holding power accountable and to taking on influential special interests. And, Dempsey is a vocal public transit advocate. As someone who wants to see massive public transit investment to improve the quality and accessibility of service, I think Dempsey would be a stronger advocate in statewide office.”

“Chris Dempsey is professional, forward looking and insightful. He has an activist vision for the Auditor’s office.”

“I met Chris when we led the Campaign for No to the Boston Olympics. He took on powerful business leaders to spare us from chaos, wasteful spending that would have put the Commonwealth in debt had we hosted the Olympics. His team argued the facts and prevailed. He showed guts, conviction and didn’t cower when the campaign was backed by power brokers. We need Chris in the Auditor’s office to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely and in the manner they were intended to be spent.”

“Chris Dempsey brings a whole new vision to what the Auditor’s office can do! He has the values to choose investigations that matter to MA residents, and the experience to both carry out those investigations and make sure the findings are acted on.”

Learn more about Chris at https://dempseyforauditor.com/​​. 

2022 Statewide Candidate Questionnaires: AG, Auditor, SofS

Sunlight - Beacon Hill

This year, Massachusetts will have open races for Attorney General and Auditor, as well as a contested race for Secretary of the Commonwealth.

These offices, although often overlooked compared to Governor, can and will have a major impact on the future of the Commonwealth and our ability to advance an agenda of equity, justice, democracy, and sustainability.

Progressive Massachusetts reached out to all candidates, inviting them to fill out our comprehensive questionnaire about their policies, priorities, and leadership style. We view these questionnaires as a vital opportunity to educate candidates about issues that matter to progressive voters, get candidates on record, and create a more informed and engaged electorate.

Important Dates

  • Primary: Tuesday, September 6
  • General: Tuesday, November 8

Attorney General: The Candidates

Auditor: The Candidates

Secretary of the Commonwealth: The Candidates

“For Some Democratic activists, Healey’s positions on criminal justice give them pause”

Samantha Gross, For some Democratic activists, Healey’s positions on criminal justice give them pause,” Boston Globe , March 20, 2022.

“When you are an attorney general, there tends to be a built-in relationship [with police] and she has definitely been too deferential to state and local police,” said Progressive Massachusetts policy director Jonathan Cohn. “There are many good things she has done as attorney general, but she has not been a leader on criminal justice issues.”

Your Calendar, Marked

It’s time to spring into action. Here are some upcoming events to put on your calendar.

Saturday, 3/26: Progressive Mass Spring Statewide Candidate Interviews

2022 is a busy year, with open AG and Auditor races and a contested Secretary of the Commonwealth race.

Join fellow activists across Massachusetts on Saturday, March 26, from 1 pm to 4 pm, as we interview candidates for these offices about how they will advance a progressive agenda.

RSVP here.

PM Spring Candidate Interviews

Tuesday, 3/29: Immigrants’ Day at the State House

Immigrants’ Day at the State House is an annual tradition from our ally MIRA, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. Each spring, MIRA brings together hundreds of immigrants and refugees to the State House to hear from public officials and advocate for legislative and budget priorities.

The event will be held in a virtual space for safety and public health reasons, with a speaking program with built-in digital advocacy opportunities, followed by regional “roundtables” with legislators co-hosted by MIRA member organizations.

Join us to advocate for our pro-immigrant budget and legislative agenda. The event will focus on the Safe Communities Act, the Work and Family Mobility Act, the Language Access and Inclusion Act, the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Act, and several budget line-items.

RSVP here.

Immigrants' Day (virtually) at the State House 2022

Saturday, April 9: Spring into Action for Common Start

Join the Common Start Coalition to celebrate the milestones of the campaign and to hear how

YOU can help us ensure a stronger future for every child!

Saturday, April 9, 11 am to 1 pm, Boston Common

In addition to learning more about our next steps, the day will include opportunities for child and family fun! Buses to the Boston Common will be provided from certain areas. Stay tuned for more details!

MA Voters Deserve Election Day Registration for This Year’s Elections

Election Day is exactly 8 months away: November 8, 2022.

In Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont, prospective voters will be able to register or update their registration at the polls. But in Massachusetts, they won’t be able to because of our arbitrary, exclusionary, and outdated voter registration cutoff.

Late last month, the Massachusetts House of Representatives voted in favor of the VOTES Act, pledging their support for making permanent critical electoral reforms like mail-in and early in-person voting. However, the House chose to leave out the heart of the VOTES Act: Election Day Registration (EDR). Now, because the House and Senate versions of the VOTES Act differ, a small group of legislators are finalizing the bill in conference committee.

EDR has been proven to make elections more equitable and efficient in 20 states. By reducing voter registration barriers, EDR boosts voter turnout for all, especially BIPOC, low-income, immigrant, and young voters. It also decreases administrative burdens of running elections by allowing election workers to update registration information on the spot.

Contact your state representative NOW and urge them to include EDR in the final version of the VOTES Act.

But Before November….

Before November will be the primaries on September 6 to determine who advances. And before that will be the party conventions in June that determine who even makes the ballot in the first place.

Over the past month, Democratic ward and town committees have been holding caucuses to elect delegates to the state party convention. If you want to take part, check out the caucus calendar here to see if your caucus has happened yet or is still to come.

And if you didn’t get elected or can’t make your caucus, you might still be able to become a delegate. You can find additional opportunities here.

Know What’s on the Ballot

Do you know what an Attorney General, an Auditor, or a Secretary of the Commonwealth does?

Do you want to know?

And do you want to find out more about what the candidates vying for these important statewide positions plan to do with these offices?

Then join us on Saturday, March 26, at 1 pm for our Spring Candidate Interviews.

All are welcome! Just RSVP here.

In solidarity,
Jonathan Cohn

Our Endorsements for Governor and Lt. Governor

2022 Gov & LG

Progressive Massachusetts reached out in late December to gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial candidates with our comprehensive policy questionnaire. In mid-February, we polled our statewide membership on whom and whether to endorse, and the results were clear: Sonia Chang-Díaz for Governor and Tami Gouveia for Lt. Governor.

Each received a commanding 78% of the vote in our member poll, far clearing the 60% threshold required for endorsement.

Each has consistently and persistently demonstrated a commitment to our fundamental mantra that “We all do better when we all do better.” They each bring a deep commitment to equity and justice and a proven track record.  

Why Sonia Chang-Díaz for Governor

When we think of the big achievements of our Legislature from the past five years, the bills that were far-reaching and agenda-setting, they have one thing in common: Sonia Chang-Díaz. She has been a leader in the fights to ensure that members of the trans community are able to exist in public life with full respect and access, to reform our criminal legal system, to update our decades-old education funding formula to help close deep inequities, and to strengthen police accountability. And we know Sonia doesn’t only fight: she wins. And she does so by building coalitions both inside and outside the Legislature and by listening to the voices of those most impacted. But she has been more than just a legislator. She brings the experience of a former teacher and a working parent, ready to roll up her sleeves to invest in our commonwealth to make it a better place for current and future generations.

Here is what some of our members had to say about why they support Sonia Chang-Díaz for Governor.

“I have been impressed with Sonia Chang-Díaz since she has been a state senator. I think her focus on education and social justice will bring fresh air to the Governor’s office.”

“Sonia has fought and won in the Senate for so many of our progressive values, like education funding and criminal justice reform. Sonia has proven that she not only shares these values, but can deliver results.”

“Sonia is smart, driven, empathetic, inclusive, and creative. Whereas many politicians take credit for things, Sonia leads and gets things done. I don’t think anybody in state government has more impressive progressive wins in the last decade than Sonia.”

“Sonia is that rare combination of principled and pragmatic. She is clear about where she stands, she sticks to her guns, and knows when to push and stand firm and when to move forward.”

“Sonia Chang-Díaz has a track record of accomplishing big, progressive goals in our Commonwealth. She led on education funding reform and criminal justice reform by highlighting the stories of real stakeholders, and was able to bring reluctant legislators around on these crucial issues.”

“Sonia has a proven record of progressive leadership and getting impossible things done on Beacon Hill. She’s the reformer we need with the vision and principles to make our Commonwealth more equitable and just.”

“Sonia is the only candidate who supports single-payer healthcare. She’s got an extensive track record of progressive stances AND of work done to promote them. The Student Opportunity Act alone was the achievement of a legislator’s lifetime and she was the driving force behind it.”

“Sonia leads with equity in everything she does, and she has demonstrated her commitment to bold progressive change by building large collaborative coalitions to get that change passed.”

Learn more about Sonia’s campaign at https://www.soniachangdiaz.com/.  

Why Tami Gouveia for Lt. Governor

Tami Gouveia brings a powerful combination of deeply progressive values and policy expertise, rooted in an understanding that a focus on public health is essential if we want a Commonwealth in which all can thrive. She fought for this goal in her decades as a social worker, leading efforts to protect children from exposure to environmental toxins and to develop a holistic regional approach to the opioid crisis. And she’s done so as a state representative, fighting for both critical community investments and bold, equitable policy solutions. The Lt. Governor can have a powerful role as an advocate and convener, and we are convinced that she will excel in such a role.

Here is what some of our members had to say about why they support Tami Gouveia for Lt. Governor.

“As a public health and social work professional along with being a current elected Rep., she will bring focus to ‘soft infrastructure’ needs like quality and affordable daycare, increasing pay and benefits for caregivers, health and mental health needs, and so much more.”

“Dr. Gouveia has a very consistent track record of fighting for what’s right and what’s good for her constituents without regard to how those votes may affect her ‘career.’ She is a true public servant who can be trusted to always vote her values and not her pocketbook.”

“I have seen the things that Dr. Gouveia has done for her district and what she advocates for in the State House. She listens. She is not afraid to speak up for progressive policies. She pushed early for a strong response to COVID-19 and is in it for the long game – to make things better for all of us. She also advocates for those of us that don’t always get invited to the table. When my district was without a rep, she made herself available to us.”

“Tami Gouveia is a progressive fighter and has not shied away from standing up for her beliefs while a state Senator. I have been impressed with her focus on public health and equity during the pandemic.”

“This moment calls out for a leader with Tami’s unique expertise and experience in public health, social work and building progressive coalitions on Beacon Hill. No one will work harder on behalf of every resident of the Commonwealth.”

“We’ve seen what happens during a pandemic when politicians listen to public health experts and then do whatever they wanted anyway. As a public health expert herself, Tami can help us navigate the end of this pandemic and prepare as best we can for the next one.”

Learn more about Tami’s campaign at https://www.tamigouveia.com/.

What about the Other Statewide Races?

Earlier this week, we sent office-specific, comprehensive policy questionnaires to the candidates for Attorney General, Auditor, and Secretary of the Commonwealth. Stay tuned.

But if you want to mark your calendars now, do so and sign up for our public candidate interviews on Saturday, March 26, from 1 pm to 4 pm.