So what does “Progressive” Mean Anyway?

Happy Giving Tuesday, and belated Thanksgiving!

We’ve come a long way in 2022. Back when Progressive Mass started, many politicians didn’t want to touch the word “progressive.” Now, more and more of them are embracing the term.

But that makes our work harder — and more important. Because it means greater attention to — and accountability for — what “progressive” actually means.

In a time when more politicians are calling themselves “progressive”, Progressive Mass has a critical role to ensure the term doesn’t lose meaning.

  • We define it through our candidate questionnaires that shape the conversation of progressive policy, such as explicit support for the Fair Share Amendment and the Work and Family Mobility Act.
  • We evaluate it through our scorecards, which show whether politicians are living up to their professed values.
  • We close the gap between our State’s progressive image and reality by keeping activists like you updated on the State House
  • We support local chapters, including two new chapters in Salem and Western Norfolk County, to put principles into practice through local policy advocacy, municipal candidate questionnaires and interviews, forums, book groups, and other community contacts
  • We help voters differentiate information from disinformation on crucial issues through posts and blogs, and thousands of voter contacts.

We’re in a great position to grow and we hope you’ll support us. Will you consider becoming a monthly donor?

Monthly donors allow us to consistently and effectively:

  • Support activists to launch new chapters to bring coordinated pressure to more legislators
  • Bring organizing muscle to statewide advocacy coalitions
  • Educate, engage, and mobilize activists and potential activists around the state on policies that would make our Commonwealth more equitable, just, sustainable, and democratic
  • Building tools to better enable constituents to hold their legislators accountable

I would be grateful for your support, we have much more work to do and your donation could make all the difference.

This year, like every year, we are thankful for you. We look forward to many years of progressive grassroots organizing to come.


Caroline Bays Progressive Mass Board President

The Winter Solstice: A Reminder of the Importance of Sunlight

Sunlight - Beacon Hill

Today marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.

It is also a reminder of the importance of sunlight—and not just when it comes to the weather.

Bringing greater sunlight to state politics is a core part of what we do at Progressive Mass.

  • Shining light on how legislators vote with our Progressive Scorecard (and updates throughout the session)
  • Shining light on how to take action on important bills when thousands upon thousands get filed each session
  • Shining light on elections with our public candidate questionnaires
  • Shining light on how to engage effectively at the local, state, and national levels through chapters that organize year-round
  • Shining light on how our commonwealth can actually live up to its professed values and be a progressive beacon for other states

We have a lot of work to do in the new year, and we’re looking forward to fighting alongside you!

Can you donate $25, $50, or $100—or more—to support our work in 2022 and beyond?

Sunlight on Beacon Hill