Beacon Hill Rewrites Question 4 — For Better or For Worse?

Over the past week, a group of largely affluent, old white men gathered behind closed doors to craft a bill that they plan to ram through with as little debate as possible.

No, I’m not talking about Senate Republicans in DC. I’m talking about Democrats here in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

Last year, Progressive Massachusetts–like more than 53% of Massachusetts voters–supported Question 4, the ballot initiative to legalize recreational marijuana. Massachusetts voters understood that the drug war has proven costly, ineffective, and socially destructive.

Marijuana legalization went to the ballot because the Legislature punted on the vital questions of how and whether to do it.

Now that Question 4 passed, the Legislature plans to amend it. And they will start voting TODAY.

They can choose to make the law better, or they can choose to make it worse.

Unfortunately, the House plans to make it worse.

How so? The House’s proposed bill

  • More than doubles the tax on marijuana, creating the conditions for a black market to flourish;
  • Eliminates the ability of voters to have a direct say over local marijuana policy; and
  • Leaves out key measures to advance racial and social justice.

This bill would take us backwards. Please urge your Representative to vote NO.*

The Senate’s proposed bill, led by Senator Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville), offers a better way forward.** In contrast to the House bill, it…

  • Maintains the tax level of Question 4 and the local referendum process;
  • Contains language to promote economic opportunities in communities hurt by the drug war;
  • Promotes energy and water efficiency in the industry;
  • Directs the Department of Public Health to create a science-based public awareness campaign to reduce youth usage and promote responsible usage;
  • Directs the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to create a campaign to inform people eligible to have their criminal records sealed; and
  • Seeks to create a more level industry playing field by promoting the inclusion of small farmers, small businesses, and cooperatives.

The Senate bill improves upon Question 4, while remaining faithful in spirit. Please urge your Senator to vote YES.

Don’t know who your legislators are? Look them up here, and then put their numbers in your phone for next time!

*118 amendments to the bill have been filed. Many of them would make the bill better, including Rep. Aaron Vega’s amendments #1 (expungement of marijuana arrest records), #5 (protection of parents of minor children), and #6 (appropriate tax rate); and Rep. Russell Holmes’s #38 (Minority and Women Owned Businesses Inclusion) and #41 (Promote and Encourage Full Participation in Disproportionately Harmed Communities); among others.

**111 amendments to the bill have been filed, including progressive ones such as Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz’s #20 (Sealing Records for Previous Marijuana Convictions), Sen. Joseph Boncore’s #76 (Expungement of Class D Possession), and Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry’s #104 (Intentional Inclusion in the Cannabis Industry), among others.

JP Progressives: Progressivism during Trump

By Maddie Howard

We’re all here and prepared to fight,” Leda Anderson of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts emphasized to a standing-room-only crowd assembled in Jamaica Plain’s First Baptist Church last Thursday.

On January 12th, JP Progressives, a Jamaica Plain community group (and chapter of Progressive Mass) that frequently hosts political events and mobilizes volunteers for campaigns and issues, hosted “Progressivism During Trump,” a panel of experienced activists moderated by Mass Alliance (Progressive Mass is a coalition member) founding director Georgia Hollister Isman. Intended to galvanize post-election urgency into specific action, this event brought established progressive groups together to provide plans of action and field questions from community members late into the evening.


 Despite some of the groups assembled being ostensibly apolitical, many made it clear that their fundamental missions were opposed to the imminent political atmosphere. “We are anti-racist and we are anti-oppression,” Boston NAACP president Tanisha Sullivan remarked, “and that’s all I’m going to say.”

“We have changed all of our agenda,” Liza Ryan of The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition shared with the audience, clarifying that MIRA is pushing offense as opposed to defense in advocating for their partner organizations under this administration.

Though national politics naturally loomed large in the conversation, much of the actions discussed were on the local level. Kade Crockford, director of the Technology for Liberty program of the ACLU Massachusetts, called for support for the state Trust Act (a bill prohibiting local law enforcement from detaining undocumented immigrants purely for their status), emphasizing the importance of pressuring the mayor, DA, and police. Dick Clapp of 350 Massachusetts and Boston Climate Action Network mentioned hosting house meetings in support of the Community Choice Energy Plan, an initiative to provide more of Massachusetts’ energy from renewable sources.

In response to a question about what threats progressive movements are likely to face, Anderson noted that this is the “first time in a really long time that anti-abortion politicians have controlled both houses & the White House.” Over the next four years, patients on Medicaid could be prevented from accessing the services provided by Planned Parenthood; about 30% of patients in Massachusetts rely on Medicaid now. The currently vacant supreme court seat means a risk of Roe v. Wade being repealed. Sullivan brought up the “sense of empowerment, of liberation by some who have been living in the shadows…that says that it is OK to be racist…we have to be committed to really working hard to stay vigilant on issues of race.” Ryan added the simple fact that due process is under threat, specifically in the case of undocumented immigrants and families. Expedited deportations with no hearing and unlawful detainment are just some of the problems these families encounter.

Despite naming the risks, the panelists and attendees retained optimism and hope for the future. “We like to call ourselves freedom’s law firm,” Crockford said of the ACLUM, calling for citizens to become doubly involved and not “sit out politics.” Ryan called for intersectional organizing and coalition building across issues: “We have to unify to win…Share narratives and work on messaging together. We can’t be divided; your issue is my issue. Get out of your comfort zone.”

The panelists recommended many specific actions to support their institutions and get involved. See below for a sampling of these actions.

  • ACLUM: Donate to, and follow on social media. Sign up for email alerts.
  • Planned Parenthood: attend the Million Woman March. Join for Sexual Health Lobby Day on January 31st. Visit to sign up for email updates.
  • 350 Mass: Join the node meeting that meets at the First Church in Jamaica Plain.
  • MIRA: Visit for ways to help.
  • NAACP: Donate your talent & time; what skills do you have to contribute? What is the one issue that gets your blood boiling? If there is an org already working on that, how might you contact them?

You can review questions audience members asked the panelists at this link: Be Sociable, Share!

Confronting Racism – Progressive Watertown Member Speaks at Rally

Richard Marcus is a member of Progressive Massachusetts and is on the Steering Committee of Progressive Watertown. Watertown’s chapter held a series of forums on Race and the Criminal Justice System in 2016. He was invited to speak at the MetroWest Rally for Respect: Love Trumps Hate. 

The racism that threatened my father was not easily seen. 

On the day of my Mother & Father’s first wedding anniversary, they witnessed the Nazi Army marching into their home city of Vienna, Austria, under a cascade of flowers and cheers.

What my father had fled in his hometown of Berlin, was following him and it was time to flee again. Fortunately through luck and circumstance my parents were sponsored by a Jewish family in Dorchester and were able to flee to safety.  The special privilege that allowed me to be here today was that my father didn’t “look” Jewish.  My father’s family was fully assimilated and no longer practicing Jews, so my father was not circumcised.  When my father was stopped in the street by the Gestapo and was made to pull down his pants, he passed the test. Had he been I would not be standing here.

My parents were lucky to have found a sponsor.  If they hadn’t they would have been killed. In 1925 a Republican Congress closed US immigration by enacting strict immigration measures. They were tired of the flood of immigration in the US; from Italians, the Irish, the Jews, and Chinese, and wanted it to end. The new measure in America was “I fought for what I have, why should we let you in to take it away?”

Suddenly free passage to America, and opportunity was restricted.  Immigration was restricted to 150 per country/per year.  When WWII broke out, there were no special provisions for Jews fleeing extinction instead people said “there might be Nazis sneaking in among them.”  Sound familiar?  

Just as today people say no Muslims, no Syrians, etc, this is not new in our nation’s history where once there were signs that read “Irish need not apply”, “Italians not served”, and of course, the Jim Crow era of segregation where blacks and whites could not even share a water fountain. We have come together to end prejudices before, we must rally to end it again.  Immigration has built this nation, and is what makes it so unique.  When people yell “America First” what it really will lead to is America last.

But my journey has secured my place in this society. When I awake each day, I am free to go where I please.  When I walk through a store no one follows me. When I am driving my car, I never worry that a broken taillight will lead to my arrest.  And I know if my car is broken down by the side of the road, a policeman will not approach me with gun in hand.  

Yet a black baby boy born tomorrow stands one chance in three of becoming part of the legal system. A black or Latino person with pot is 700% more likely to be arrested than a white person. And, once before a DA or a judge, a black or latino person is much more likely to not be given the benefit of a doubt than a white person.  

Some people say Black Lives Matter.  Some people say White Lives Matter.  Aren’t they the same? No. Just because we label some parking spaces as handicap, there is no need to label all the others as Non-handicap.  There’s no need because it’s obvious. It should also be obvious that being a black or brown person in America is not the same as being a white person in America.  It’s a given.  

No one labels a person white, unless they want to identify that person as NOT black or brown. Yet we “white people” don’t acknowledge our advantage, partially because for us it’s ALWAYS been that way, partially because we can pass it off by saying “we didn’t create the system”.

Racism is America’s original sin. A white society established itself here at the near extinction of one race and the enslavement of another race.  If that isn’t racism, what is it?  And it will remain so until the playing field is leveled.

You hear a lot today in our political dialogue about the “system is rigged.”  Oh yes it is and it has been that way for a lot time.  Being white comes with assumptions about you that favor you today in America.  Being brown or black requires you to demonstrate what you do that makes you fit in.  What we don’t acknowledge is the end of the previous sentence, which really means “fit in the white society.”  Yet “we as a society” expect the wronged to right themselves.  The playing field must be leveled by the advantaged, not the disadvantaged.  As I sat down this morning to write these few words an image came to me of the black teenager with his pants slung down low and how that always struck me as inappropriate.  Today I question myself and ask simply, “why should I feel threatened by that?’  “why should I even care?”  

I am learning all the ways I contribute to this inequality.  None of it was intentional, none of it with malice.  

Just as we are told in improve our posture, we now must find MORE ways to improve ourselves as inclusionary.   Slowly but surely I will become better.   

Bob Dylan wrote “the ladder of justice should have no top and no bottom”. Helping someone climb that ladder does not put me lower.  I must teach myself that…every day from here on. Maybe today will be the beginning of your conscious effort to reexamine why black lives should matter in your life. While the Journey begins with each of us, I am reminded of my favorite quote, by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”