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‘Twas the Night Fore the New Year

Twas the night ‘fore the new year
And all through the state,
Not a bus or train was stirring.
They don’t run very late.

The college students were back home,
Their debt burden growing
Like the size of Ole Frosty
When it’s heavily snowing.

The ice on the roads
Was hiding their crumbling.
Like the gusts of the wind
Quelled the old bridge’s mumbling.

The teachers were hoping
For an HVAC or two
To flow some clean air
Through a building not new.

The students were dreaming
Of smaller class sizes,
Because more focused attention
Can be better than prizes.

The top one percent had naught
To want or to fear.
Their needs were all met.
They are every year.

Their wealth had gone up
Like a shining bright star,
The distance ‘tween them and the rest
Was getting quite far.

If we want a true common wealth,
We need to invest.
When the rich pay what’s fair,
we can all get the best.

We don’t need three ghosts
To give Old Scrooge a big scare.
Just show up November 8th
And vote YES on Fair Share.

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