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When Is a Deadline Not a Deadline?

Yesterday, State House News reported that one of the commissions from last year’s police reform bill missed its deadline. It is often more newsworthy when a legislative commission meets its own deadline. Indeed, missed, extended, and disappearing deadlines are all too common, which raises the question of how real they even are in the first place.

But deadlines do matter. We at Progressive Mass are trying to meet our own deadline, with the end of the year rapidly approaching. And we need to meet ours if we’re going to hold them accountable for theirs.

Organizing and advocacy take time, and they take money.

Can you make an end-of-year donation of $25, $50, or $100 to power our work in 2022?

The progressive movement is strongest when it is open to everyone ready to fight for our shared causes, so anyone can become a member for just a $5 annual contribution. However, grassroots organizing takes work and funds. Please consider donating more, or becoming a sustaining member by donating monthly.

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