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Women of PM Spotlight: Caroline Snow

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Caroline Snow. Caroline is a member of Progressive Mass’ Lowell Chapter, Solidarity Lowell. Solidarity Lowell is doing great organizing at the local level, working toward social justice by defending the human rights of all against hate and discrimination. Housing and Immigration rights are among their priority issues. If you are local and would like to get involved, contact Solidarity Lowell here. Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for up to date news and actions!

Get to know Caroline:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

CS: I love the structure of having chapters within a larger umbrella organization with the chapters focusing on primarily local, while the larger organization focuses on state issues.

PM: What issue are you most passionate about?

CS: Decarceration – focusing on eliminating solitary confinement and for-cost phone calls.

PM: What movie or book about your passion issue is your favorite?

CS: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

CS: I would choose potato chips.

Join the movement! Tell us how you’d like to volunteer with Progressive Mass, here.

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